• Possible does not mean easy by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    Possible Does Not Mean Easy

    One of the biggest misperceptions that causes us a lot of stress is thinking that things will be easy. We’re fed the fairy-tale illusion by the world, which leads us to underestimate the cost that we’ll have to pay to attain our dreams. God’s Word tells us that anything is possible with God. That is absolute truth. We must, however, realize that possible does not mean easy. Anything worth having will not come easy. What are you going after? How much are you willing to pay? Have you accepted the reality that anything worth having will not come easy? Personally, I feel like this is a truth that I have…

  • ATTITUDE PROBLEM: Get yourself together, girl. by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    ATTITUDE PROBLEM? Get yourself together, girl.

    Do you have an attitude problem? When we think of attitude, we tend to think of having a negative attitude, however, we always have an attitude. It’s just a matter of what type it is. How would you describe your attitude? Or, maybe a better assessment would be how others describe your attitude. Another way of looking at your attitude would be to consider your energy. What type of energy exudes from you? This energy is stemming from your attitude. How do others feel in your presence? How do you impact those around you? Our attitude most certainly affects us, but it also significantly affects others. Having an attitude problem…

  • DEALING WITH ANXIETY: 5 Tips by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    Dealing with Anxiety: 5 TIPS

    Statistics show us how real of an issue anxiety is. These times, filled with so much uncertainty and unfamiliarity, tend to really fuel anxiety. We have to know that as followers of Christ, there is a solution to anxiety. We must learn how to deal with it, by responding to it in a faith-filled, Godly way. Dealing with Anxiety: 5 TIPS 1. Determine the source. We must get to the root of the anxiety. Why is it there? Why am I feeling like this? Don’t let your feelings have the final say. Instead, consider them the starting point. Take the time to identify how you’re feeling and then focus in…

  • Recognizing Patterns by Margo Woodward
    Margo,  Women

    Recognizing Patterns: 5 Tips

    If we’re honest and take the time to pay attention to our lives, I believe we’ll all find patterns that we continuously fall into. Satan tends to set the same traps for us, and unfortunately, we tend to walk right into them- over and over. If we are going to progress and experience fullness of joy and life, we must begin recognizing patterns. Recognizing Patterns: 5 Tips 1. What gets you down? Take the time to pay attention to what gets you down. What frustrates you and interrupts your peace & joy? It may seem weird, but I encourage you to start journaling your bothers. Write down your worries and…

  • a time to do nothing by Margo Woodward
    Margo,  Women

    A Time to do Nothing

    Do you block off time to do nothing? Or, do you find yourself constantly going, and going, and going? Life has a way of pushing us around, especially if you have kids. We seem to go from one activity to the next, and all of that has it’s place; but there is also a time to do nothing. A Time to do Nothing Why is doing nothing important? Honestly, I feel like: Doing nothing is where the magic happens. Today, for the most part it would appear that I’ve done nothing, but really I’ve done the most important thing and the absolute BEST thing that I could have done. I’ve…

  • IT'S SUMMERTIME: 7 Rules to Live by this Summer by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    IT’S SUMMERTIME: 7 Rules to Live by this Summer

    IT’S SUMMERTIME! Though we all enjoy the break, the fun, and the sun; we must also be intentional to use the summertime wisely. IT’S SUMMERTIME: 7 Rules to Live by this Summer 1. Keep a Planner It’s very tempting to leave the planner by the wayside during the summer months, but I encourage you to keep a planner during the summertime. Though you may have a lighter load, you still want to think through how you will use your time. Create some summer goals. Maybe even a summer to-do list, or a reading list. Plan for your fun things as well, like shopping and eating. I encourage you to keep…

  • Start Each Day With a Clean Slate by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    Start Each Day With a Clean Slate: 3 Tips

    How was your yesterday? If you’re human, there were some good and some not so good moments. None of us are perfect so there are areas of opportunities in every day. How do you deal with those imperfections? Start Each Day With a Clean Slate It really takes intention to start each day with a clean slate. Naturally, yesterday tries to spill over into today. If we’re not careful, we’ll find ourselves living yesterday over and over and over- unable to BREAK FREE & LIVE! That is not God’s will for us. God’s will for us is to start each day with a clean slate. How do we do that?…

  • being ok with change by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    Being Ok With Change: 3 Tips

    How do you handle change? Most of the time, we despise and avoid it. Why is that? What prevents us from being ok with change? Being Ok With Change: 3 Tips 1. Walk in Faith Walking in fear causes us to fear change. We’re afraid of what might be, what we might lose, or what we might experience due to change; however, what if we flipped this thinking around? What if we walked in anticipation of what good may come our way, what we might gain, or what this change could lead to? We fear change because fear has taken root in our hearts. Instead of thinking and seeing possibilities,…

  • Where's Your Focus? by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    Where’s Your Focus?

    In life, we’re faced with situations that simply reveal where our focus is. Where’s your focus? Do you focus on others, situations, opposition, the past, or do you focus on where you’re going? Where’s Your Focus? If we are going to progress in life and keep momentum going in the right direction, we must begin to control our focus. In life, things happen. The unexpected constantly occurs. People come against us. We see and feel opposition on a daily basis. For myself, being a public speaker, I’m faced with negative expressions and energy while speaking. I’m learning to not take it personal, or absorb the negative energy of others, but…

  • 4 days left in 2020: Start Visualizing by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    4 Days Left in 2020: Start Visualizing for the New

    We’re down to 4 days left in 2020. How are you feeling? How will you spend the remainder of your year? I’m feeling optimistic and excited about the new possibilities that are right around the corner. 2020 has been quite a year, and we’ve all been impacted in various ways, but regardless of what you’ve faced: I encourage you to take the time to start dreaming again. Start Visualizing for the New. What do you see? What would you like to accomplish in 2021? If you don’t take the time to reset, refresh, and reimagine, no one will do it for you. You must dream for yourself, and that’s exactly…