key to succeed: progress hurts sometimes Margo Woodward
College,  Life

KEY TO SUCCEED: Progress Hurts Sometimes

We all want to shine, but we’d prefer to do so without the rain.  If we’re going to live the life that Christ died for us to live, we must realize that: Progress hurts sometimes.

As the saying goes: Anything worth having won’t come easy.  What is it that you want?  As you answer this question, take the time to ponder what it will cost you.  

Progress requires sacrifice.

We want our lives to be better, but we aren’t willing to change ourselves first.  There is a tendency to look around the problem instead of facing the problem head on.  Most of our issues in life can be traced back to a lack of self-discipline.

Self-discipline will get us further than many other desirable characteristics such as intellect or athletic ability.  There are days for all of us when we don’t feel like doing what’s right, but having self-control and self-discipline will enable us to do the right thing as opposed to the comfortable thing.

Progress hurts sometimes.

I’m continuing to learn that progress is not always comfortable.  Actually, if we are progressing we are likely not going to be comfortable.  We have to be okay with being uncomfortable today in order to live comfortably tomorrow. 

It is important to stay focused on the end goal and not give up when the going gets tough.

Whatever you do, don’t throw in the towel because progress seems too hard.  Re-train your mind to accept that with progress comes discomfort.  Remind yourself that it will be well worth it in the end.  

Stay focused, stay encouraged in the Lord and remember that progress hurts sometimes.

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