College,  Life

3 Keys To Living a Focused Life

As I sit in the library at 8:00 a.m. on this Monday morning, I’m enthralled by the students, professors, and library staff who are up and at it early on a Monday morning. I see focus, diligence, and grit. Are you living a focused life?


1. Ability to process conflict.

All of us experience conflict in our relationships. The difference, however, is how we handle it. Most are consumed by conflict, while the rarity is to know how to process it in a way that one is still able to remain focused on what’s important. If you are unable to handle conflict the right way, then you will find yourself unable to move forward in life.

Conflict is apart of life.

If we’re to remain focused on our goals, move forward in life, and above all maintain our peace, then we must learn how to process conflict.

How to process conflict?

It’s imperative for us to remain calm. The more involved we allow our emotions to be, the less likely we are to view the situation accurately. Emotions often distort situations; making the conflict appear larger than it actually is. As we remain calm, we must take our issues to the Lord. He has a way of providing us clarity that we could get no other way.

When facing conflict, we must allow the Lord to walk us through the situation- showing us His perspective in the matter.

2. Purpose is a necessity.

Without purpose, what are we focused on? A key in living a focused life is having a sense of clear purpose and identity so one knows where their focus should be. Without being aware of your God-given purpose, there is a lack of motivation to remain focused. Whether we admit it or not, if we don’t know our purpose for being here then we will have a hard time living a focused life. I’m reminded of the saying: A person who stands for nothing will fall for anything.

It could also be said: A person who has no purpose is distracted by anything.

3. Perseverance.

One must be determined and persevere in order to live a focused life. Truly, without perseverance it is impossible to live a focused life. No matter our stage in life, we will always experience conflict. No matter our stage in life, we will always encounter distractions. It is imperative for us to develop perseverance for this journey called life.

How to develop perseverance?

Remain connected to the only true source of our strength- Jesus Christ.

“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”

– John 15:5

Jesus Christ is our source for this life, and as we abide in Him we will bring forth much fruit. It’s not by our effort but by our abiding. There is nothing we can’t do when we are relying on His infinite, unending, unlimited power.

So, to sum it all up: Living a focused life depends on us abiding in Christ.

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Read Feeling Stressed? 2 Keys to Living an Anchored & Orderly Life

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