College is not easy. It requires sacrifice.
College,  Life,  Margo

College is not easy: It requires sacrifice

It’s 12:40 a.m. and I’m still up and going.  Today has been quite a day.  College is not easy.

I cried today.  I prayed today.  I meditated today.  I was encouraged by my friends today.

I started a good book today titled “9 Things You Simply MUST DO“.  I also cried a little while reading it.  🙂

I came to the realization today that: I must setup something to remind myself of my ultimate goals. 

I need a reminder of my why.  On tough days, like today, I need to be reminded of why I am sacrificing today.

I’m sacrificing: sleep, money, time, relationships, enjoyment, relaxation.  I am uncomfortable.  Extremely uncomfortable.

I need to remind myself.  Constantly.  Right now life is not necessarily fun.  Or easy.  So, I need to remind myself why I’m working so hard.

I’m working for: education, purpose, stability, information, achievement.  College is not easy, but sacrificing now will pay off later.

It’s not easy, but what’s the alternative?  Life as is?  I think not.  Sacrifice is not easy but it’s worth it.  Right now I’d rather be sleeping, but I’ll sleep later.  I need to prepare for my speech tomorrow.  🙂

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