• Handling frustration the right way 5 tips by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Life

    Handling Frustration the Right Way: 5 Tips

    One thing I have learned about myself is that I am prone to anger. I thank God for the awareness and growth He has blessed me with in this area, yet, I still have progress to make. This post is for you, if you need help managing anger and frustration. I pray that it provides you with insight into your triggers, as well as provides you practical tips that will assist you in handling frustration the right way. Handling Frustration the Right Way: 5 Tips 1. Don’t lash out. The first tip to handling frustration the right way, is to not lash out. Lashing out is so easy to do,…

  • Designated Days by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Life

    Designated Days

    This year, 2024, one of my focus areas is time management. Not just saying I will do better on time, but really focusing on it and praying about it. The Lord continues to open my eyes to various things that I can do better at, as it relates to time management. One of those things is incorporating designated days. Days where we generally focus on certain things. Life can be a lot at times. This is what gets us. We have so much to do, and we often feel there is just not enough time to do it all. The reality is that we all only have 24 hours each…

  • teaching responsibility by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Life

    PARENTING: Teaching Responsibility

    In parenting, teaching responsibility is a big deal. Responsibility is a foundational principle for healthy, effective living. It provides the framework from which we live; affecting our mindset, relationships, finances, jobs, health, families, etc. Understanding the significance of responsibility, as well as the impact that it has on life, should motivate us to really grow in teaching responsibility as we raise our kids. Responsibility begins at home. As we raise our children, we must know that they begin learning responsibility at home. Due to our deep love for our kids, we often ignorantly handicap them. We do this by making everything easy for them, and lowering the standard down to…

  • When You're Tired by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Life

    When You’re Tired: 10 Tips

    We all get tired. The key is in how we respond to our fatigue. What do you normally do when you’re tired? Get snappy and irritable? Or, do you tend to feel overwhelmed and discouraged? We tend to have unhealthy reactions to our tiredness. Check out this post for 10 healthy ways to respond to your fatigue. 1. Identify it It can be a chore just to identify that you’re tired. This is why we must remain close to God, as He can open our eyes to the root of our issue. So often, we walk around releasing our inner frustrations [including fatigue], on the easiest target. This explains why…

  • handling frustrations well by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Life

    Handling Frustrations Well

    Frustrations are apart of life. The key is learning how to handle them well. How we respond to frustrations play a huge role in the lives that we live. How do you respond to frustrations? What do you do when feeling angry? We must answer these questions honestly so we can make the necessary adjustments to do better. We must all grow in handling frustrations well. Handling frustrations well requires wisdom. Wisdom will allow us to respond appropriately, not hastily. Where wisdom is, there is effectiveness. Think about it, foolish responses are not effective. They often bring back poor results. Wisdom, on the other hand, requires more intention, but it…

  • putting first things first by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Work

    Putting First Things First

    An area that God keeps top of mind for me is prioritizing. Life is all about prioritizing. When we fall to prioritize, we find ourselves in trouble. Also, a lack of prioritizing makes it difficult to make the right choices, when faced with conflict. Today, I encourage you to focus on putting first things first. Putting First Things First is About Order Prioritizing and putting first things first requires us to rank our to-do’s. Daily, we have many things to do, but we tend to get in trouble because we don’t do the most important things first. This is what we must do: Do the most important things first. This…

  • Overcoming control issues by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Life

    Overcoming Control Issues

    The longer that we walk with the Lord, the more clarity we gain. We gain clarity in knowing Him, His Word, His ways; and we also gain clarity into our unique issues. There are often a few, key root issues that cause major problems in our lives. One of those issues is control. The Lord is providing me much clarity into my relationship with control. I pray this article provides the insight needed to help you with overcoming control issues. Control issues run deep. The thing about control issues is that it’s not about the issue at hand. It feels like it is, but it’s not. Like many issues, anger…

  • time management tips by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Life


    Time management is a continual struggle for me. It’s one of those areas that I can never seem to master. I do, however, grow in it. God continues to grow me in awareness of the things that I can do to manage my time better. In this post, I will share the time management tips that God is currently teaching me. TIP #1: Humility is Key This is one of the top lessons that I continually learn as it relates to time management. Humility is key, as it keeps me dependent on the Lord. If I could do it on my own, I would, and you know what else? I’d…

  • establishing boundaries by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Margo

    Establishing Boundaries

    One of the hardest things about being a wife, mommy, and professional, is establishing boundaries. Personally, I feel like I’m constantly working to maintain balance across my various roles. I’m an advocate for priorities, yet, it gets to a point where we must grow in prioritizing our priorities! This is where establishing boundaries comes into play. Establishing boundaries requires intention. Establishing boundaries is something that requires intention, quiet time, and forethought. We must prioritize quiet time alone with God where we express our heart’s desires and frustrations. In doing so, we open ourselves up to God’s divine wisdom. Lately, God has been protecting me so much from haste. In my…

  • Focus on purpose by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Life

    Focus on Purpose

    As you go about your day-to-day activities, what are you focused on? Do you live from an overwhelmed, make-it-by attitude; or do you live fulfilled, productive, and purpose driven? Though we all have routine obligations and responsibilities, I encourage you to focus on purpose. What do I mean by focus on purpose? Focus on your purpose for doing your particular things. This requires a mental shift from the what to the why. Ask yourself: “Why am I doing this?” This will enable you to function from a place of purpose, not a place of stress. This can be helpful when applied at home with family, or even at work on…