Life,  Marriage

To Get What You’ve Never Had You Must Do What You’ve Never Done

We’ve all heard it: To get what you’ve never had you must do what you’ve never done.

We hear it all the time, we encourage others with it, but are we actually living it?

It’s easy to comprehend, but much more difficult to implement.  Quiet honestly, it’s very difficult to do what we’ve never done.

Why is this?

There are so many forces working to keep us the same.  Traditions, culture, family, toxic environments, wrong relationships, negative thought patterns, and the list goes on.

Our desire for comfort also works against us.  We desire comfort not realizing that if we remain comfortable, things remain the same.  Our lives will not change until we begin to change our actions.

To get what we’ve never had we must do what we’ve never done.

This worn out phrase is telling us that we are going to have to do something completely different.  People probably won’t even get it, including those close to us. 

Maybe we won’t even fully get it ourselves, but there is something on the inside of us pushing us to go for it.

Don’t try to completely understand everything before going for it.

Doing what we’ve never done is sure to bring about some fear.  This is normal.  It’s normal to feel fear, but don’t let fear hold you hostage. 

As I reflect over my life, I always felt a high level of fear when making decisions that ultimately were good for me.  Doing what’s right for you won’t always feel right.  Don’t make decisions according to feelings, make your decisions according to principles.

So, what do you need to do?  What are you afraid of?  Don’t just say this little saying, but stop and deal with the things that are preventing you from living the life that you dream of.

Don’t let fear, uncertainty, or insecurity stop you any longer.

To get what you’ve never had you must do what you’ve never done.

You can do it.

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Read KEY TO SUCCEED: Progress Hurts Sometimes

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