chosen for struggle by Margo Woodward

Chosen For Struggle

Have you ever thought that you have been chosen for your particular struggle?  I’m reading Isaiah 43:2 this morning and this is what the Lord said to His chosen, redeemed nation:

“When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.”  

– Isaiah 43:2

Though we are saved, chosen, and redeemed, we will still have to go through some things.

Satan has fed us the lie that money and riches are everything, which is why he’s able to lure us away from our faith with money and riches.  He lies to us, we believe the lies, and then we question God’s Word.  We doubt God’s promises and go do our own thing, attempting to make something happen on our own.

We have to realize that God has particularly chosen us for certain struggles.
In John 9, the disciples asked Jesus why a particular man was born blind.  They wondered if it was because of sin.

Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.”

 – John 9:3

His struggle allowed God’s power to be displayed.  He was chosen for struggle.

Think about it.  If we never went through anything, how would we know that God is a provider, a protector, and our strength in time of trouble.  We need trouble to be able to see His mighty power.  Trust me, I know it’s not always easy.  Even writing this is a struggle because I’m writing to myself as well.  Though it’s not always easy, we must know that if we are to grow in Christ and do all that He has called us to do, we must accept that we have been chosen for struggle.

The key is to glorify Him through it all.

Satan attacked Job, claiming that Job only served the Lord because of the many blessings he had, but guess what?  He was wrong.  Job endured.

“And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”

 – Job 1:21

The world needs to see people following Christ, no matter what.  

There is a realness to be acknowledged when one loves and follows God regardless of material possessions, still maintaining their peace and joy!  That sends a message!  It sends the message that what we have in Christ is greater than anything this world can offer.  When we choose not to follow Him through our deep waters, we send the message that Christ is not enough.

All of us, no matter our beliefs, will struggle.  Struggles are apart of life (we have to accept that), but what a blessing to know that with Christ we can walk through the fire and not be burned.

I’m going to keep walking with Jesus.  How about you?

Remember, He has chosen you for your particular struggle & despite how you feel- You can handle it.

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