a time to do nothing by Margo Woodward
Margo,  Women

A Time to do Nothing

Do you block off time to do nothing? Or, do you find yourself constantly going, and going, and going? Life has a way of pushing us around, especially if you have kids. We seem to go from one activity to the next, and all of that has it’s place; but there is also a time to do nothing.

A Time to do Nothing

Why is doing nothing important? Honestly, I feel like:

Doing nothing is where the magic happens.

Today, for the most part it would appear that I’ve done nothing, but really I’ve done the most important thing and the absolute BEST thing that I could have done.

I’ve rested in the Lord.

For starters, I slept in a bit later than normal due to a long day and late night last night. When I wake up, I try to stay diligent and disciplined to get with the Lord. My morning time with Him consists of:

  • Praise time
  • Prayer
  • Bible Plan
  • Bible time
  • Declarations

This morning, since I slept in, the day started getting active on me before I was really complete with my time with Him. I started feeling conflicted. A part of me felt the need to go ahead and get active and going, while another part of me just wanted to stay with Him. What did I do?

Stayed with Him.

Though there’s always so much that we can do, sometimes the best thing to do is nothing.

Even as I write this, I’m reminded of Martha and Mary. Though my natural tendencies are very much like Martha, I’m continuing to see the Lord grow me in the ways that Mary demonstrated. Check out the scene in Luke 10:38. While Martha chose busyness, Mary chose rest.

God’s Word serves as our guide for life. Just yesterday, I was thinking about how the many examples found in scripture prevent me from falling into the same pits, and the only way for us to discover the truths found in His Word is to choose rest over busyness.

In order to seemingly do nothing and chose Him, we must exercise faith. Faith to know that the things we are not choosing to do right now, will be alright. Faith to know that we are choosing what’s MOST important over what may have some importance. Lately, I’ve began to realize that as we journey though life following Christ, our decision-making may move from choosing right vs. wrong, to choosing good vs. BEST.

Do you know the BEST things for you to be doing in this season of your life?

The clarity, purpose, and direction that we need to live the lives that God created us to live, will require us to take some time to do nothing.

Choose Him over everything else. Slow your pace. Allow Him to ease your emotions and give you the peace and security that you need. As you do, you will quickly begin to experience the benefits of doing nothing.

When a woman is anchored in the Lord, there is no limit to what she can do. Believe that.

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Read The Dangers of Doing Too Much

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