IT'S SUMMERTIME: 7 Rules to Live by this Summer by Margo Woodward
Life,  Women

IT’S SUMMERTIME: 7 Rules to Live by this Summer

IT’S SUMMERTIME! Though we all enjoy the break, the fun, and the sun; we must also be intentional to use the summertime wisely.

IT’S SUMMERTIME: 7 Rules to Live by this Summer

1. Keep a Planner

It’s very tempting to leave the planner by the wayside during the summer months, but I encourage you to keep a planner during the summertime. Though you may have a lighter load, you still want to think through how you will use your time. Create some summer goals. Maybe even a summer to-do list, or a reading list. Plan for your fun things as well, like shopping and eating. I encourage you to keep a planner to stay on top of everything.

The last thing you’d want to happen is to totally kick back the whole summer, only to find yourself digging out a rut in the next season.

Enjoy your summer. Keep a planner. Be ready for the next season.

2. Create Goals

What do you tend to struggle with? Time management, mood management, money management? Whatever it may be, use the summertime to focus on it. It’s so easy to have the same struggles year after year, without making any real progress. This doesn’t have to be the case.

Use the summertime as a way to really focus in on your problem areas.

3. Change Your Hair

Seems like a small thing, but the summertime is the perfect time to change up your look. Been thinking about a new style, color, or cut? The summertime is the perfect time to go for it! Standards are more relaxed and the times tend to be a bit less serious.

Consider the summertime to go for the style you’ve been considering.

4. Get Fit

It’s easy to not feel happy with your summer body, but what good comes from that? Though you may not currently be as fit as you’d like, start working on it now. Use the summer months to create goals, a fitness plan, as well as meal ideas. Get on Pinterest and browse home workouts or low-carb meals.

Work on getting fit during the summer months. Use it as an excuse to get outside!

5. Start Socializing

One area that God is currently growing me in is connecting with others. How are you doing in that area? Use the summertime to connect with others. Connect with uplifting people on social media, start conversations with others while out and about. Reach out to those who appear to be left out or disconnected.

Pray for God to connect you with healthy relationships this summer.

6. Play Music

You know what song I listened to the other day that really got me in the summertime mood? “Summertime” by DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince. Let me tell you. It totally shifted my mood and reminded me that IT. IS. SUMMERTIME.

Create a summertime playlist and play it!

7. Enjoy your Summer

Whatever you do, my hope is that you will enjoy your summer. Regardless of what you have or don’t have, enjoy your summer. Don’t compare yourself to another, enjoy your summer. It doesn’t matter how the year has been going, enjoy your summer. Be intentional to do so.

It’s so easy for us to miss the moments that we do have by either looking back or looking ahead. There is a time to reflect and a time to prepare, but don’t let that steal the now. None of us know what tomorrow may bring. All we truly have is today.

Be intentional to enjoy it.

With love,

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