adjusting to new seasons by Margo Woodward
Life,  Work

LIFE & WORK: Adjusting to New Seasons

One of the top reasons that we find ourselves stressed in life is due to our inability to identify our current season. Life is seasonal and continually changing, therefore, we must be continually adjusting to new seasons.

Adjusting to new seasons will require us to be able to discern the season we find ourselves in. Taking the time to identify our current season, will empower us to make any necessary adjustments that need to be made.

This awareness requires reflection, prayer, and quiet time.

There are some season changes that we can anticipate, such as becoming a newlywed, a new parent, or an entrepreneur. There are other seasons, however, that change and require more intention to identify. For instance, marriage and family life are continually entering new seasons. As children grow, parenting must also adapt and enter into new seasons and territory.

Other changes that require adjusting to new seasons include: graduating college, going back to work after staying home with the kids, working from home, etc. There are so many life changes that require us to adjust. The key is prioritize your quiet time alone with God so that He can provide you the wisdom and insight needed to adjust well.

Regardless of the season you find yourself in, you must realize that there will be blessings and there will be challenges. It’s inevitable. No season in life is problem-free. The key to living a healthy, enjoyable life is to be able to make the most of what you have- no matter the season you find yourself in.

As we keep God #1, He will open our eyes to the blessings that would be easy for our natural eye to overlook. I can attest that as I’ve recently transitioned to working full-time after staying home with the kids, that I miss the amount of time that I was able to spend with God when I stayed at home.

I don’t despise my current season, I’m just able to see more clearly the blessings that I had in those previous seasons. My current season has different blessings, and now a challenge is ensuring that I’m spending my quiet time alone with God.

It’s easy to overlook the blessings in seasons while you’re in them.

We must grow in appreciating the seasons we find ourselves in, realizing that it is only a season. It will change. In life, change is inevitable.

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