when the days are hard: 10 tips for rough days by Margo Woodward
Life,  Women

When the Days are Hard: 10 Tips for Rough Days

What do you do when the days are hard? Some days we wake up motivated with a clear plan for the day, while others seem hard from the very start. How do you respond to rough days?

10 Tips for Rough Days:

1. Slow down.

Due to coronavirus, our lives have completely slowed down, but we must be intentional to really slow down. Even at home, keep a healthy pace. When your day is rough, slow the pace down even more.

2. Deal with it.

When you’re seeming to have a rough day, take the time to deal with it. What is causing you frustration? Take some time to determine what’s bothering you and deal with it.

3. Be encouraged.

You may be having a rough day, but look around you. Surely you will find something to encourage you. Your kids? Your spouse? Take in the encouragement.

4. Keep perspective.

Keep proper perspective. Don’t exaggerate your irritations while overlooking the blessings. Keep proper perspective when the days are hard.

5. Count your blessings.

Literally, sit there and count your blessings. Write a list. Speak them aloud. Think about them. It’s easy to overlook the blessings while magnifying the inconveniences. Take the time to count your blessings.

6. Look to the Lord.

Lately, when I feel myself ‘going there’, I’ll shift my focus to the Lord. I’ll turn my praise music on, wrap up what I’m doing and sit with the Lord. This is one of my favorite scriptures:

“Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”

– Psalm 37:4

Another passage that has been on my heart lately is Luke 18:1-7. We are encouraged to be persistent in prayer.

7. Serve others.

Instead of focusing on self and your frustrations, look around you and serve others. There are others depending on us to care for them and help them. Who has God blessed you to be able to serve? Get your mind off yourself and serve others.

8. Read.

Are you reading in this down time? Sometimes we just need some intellectual stimulation. Get your head into an inspiring, uplifting book. Consider BREAK FREE & LIVE!

9. Create something.

What are you good at? Get creative and create something. Write, paint, draw, design, sew, cook, plant. Whatever you enjoy doing, throw yourself into it! Not sure what you’re good at? Now is a perfect time to figure it out.

10. Be present.

Sometimes our issue is that we’re over-stimulated. Sometimes it can be beneficial for us to stop, do nothing, and be present. Try this out. Lay across the bed, close your eyes, and just relax. Try to think about nothing. Go outside and just take in the sun, the air, the wind. Look at the birds. They’re worried about nothing. Be present and take it in.

We can’t avoid rough days. They will come, but the key is in how we respond. Which of these 10 tips will you try?

With love,

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