
Take Time to Make Sense of Things

One of the challenges of today’s fast-paced living is that it prevents us from having the time to make sense of things. This leads to bigger issues. Stress, strain, anxiety, overwhelm, depression, discouragement, and mental instability; just to name a few. In order for us to live healthy, peaceful, fulfilled lives; we must learn the importance of making sense of things.

As I write this, it is Saturday morning, after a full week of living! Factor in life, marriage, parenting, work, school, and our other obligations; and we have a plethora of experiences that we may need to make sense of.

Personally, I have an introverted nature. At any given time, I am likely processing much. Often, I’m processing the scene I’m currently in, what I have to do, my triggers and vulnerabilities, my words, my responsibility in a given situation, or the growth areas that the Holy Spirit is bringing to my attention. Most of the time, we may not be able to delve deep into these issues at the current time, but when do we?

It seems that when we leave that setting, we’re off to another. Or, when we finish that obligation, there is another responsibility to handle. This is the cycle that we often find ourselves constantly in throughout the course of a day. We feel like we have to just keep going.

However, there comes a time when we must stop.

We have to be intentional and determined to slow down. This slowing down is key to our spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental health. Obligations constantly present themselves, and they almost always present themselves as urgent. One thing the Lord brought to my awareness recently:

Everything is not urgent.

This discernment and awareness comes as a result of communing with God throughout the day. Keeping God at the forefront of our consciousness grants Him the space to direct us. He will direct our steps, our pace, our decisions, our responses, our emotions, and our actions. As we trust Him, He will help us to make sense of things.

Life is so testy! Not in the sense of the dictionary definition, but in the awareness that it is always testing us! Honestly, I often feel that there is a built-in humbling mechanism in life that prevents us from getting too comfortable. When I feel as though I should be celebrating, something comes to keep that in perspective. When I feel my self-confidence rising, something comes to remind me of my imperfections. As I write this, I’m reminded:

“And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.”

– II Corinthians 12:7

The Lord knows what we need and He Himself reserves the right to allow and use whatsoever He chooses to humble us. He knows what we need. Though He blesses us abundantly, He knows that we need to be buffeted and reminded that we don’t know it all. He knows that we need to be reminded that we have not yet arrived. We must remain in a position of being aware of our infirmities.

Those positions are uncomfortable.

If we do not view our circumstances the right way, through the lens of God’s Word, we will mess it up. We will rebel, reject, and excuse ourselves from God’s testing as well as His blessing. This is why spending time with Him is key.

He helps us to make sense of things.

Truly, He allows us to see Him in the midst of all our things. He opens our eyes to the issues within our heart that are tripping us up, and at the same time He uproots those unhealthy roots by His Word. Oh, how He is able.

Today, I encourage you to slow down, seek Him, and rely on Him to help you make sense of things. Do not rely on your own understanding but acknowledge Him in all things- allowing Him to direct your paths [Proverbs 3:5-6].

With love,

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Read Handling Frustrations Well