We always want more. We’re always searching, working, and praying for something more. We think to ourselves: If I had that then I’d be happy. The truth is: Until we learn how to be content we will never be happy. Contentment must be learned and I’m learning that contentment is priceless. When we are content we’re peaceful, joyful, thankful, and enjoyable. When we aren’t, we’re irritable, we’re anxious, worried, and on edge. We think it’s because of a circumstance or a situation, but really it’s us- we aren’t satisfied. We’re the reason we’re not at rest. We’re discontent. We must learn to be content. “Not that I speak in respect of…
Slow Down
The faster we’re moving, the less likely we’re being directed by God.In order to hear from God throughout our day, we have to slow down. Lately, the Lord has been doing just that with me- slowing me down. I’m finding that as I’ve slowed down I’m consulting with Him more. I’m taking the time to pray more- about big and seemingly small things. A slower pace allows us to be more aware of ourselves, how we’re truly doing, and how we’re responding to others. As we slow down, we become more sensitive to the convictions of the Holy Spirit. The faster we’re moving, the more likely we’re depending…
Are You a People-Pleaser?
Are you more concerned with people-pleasing than you are with pleasing God? Do you have an internal desire to keep the people in your life happy with what you do? Do you spend time thinking about what people think of you? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you, like me, are on the journey from people-pleasing to God-pleasing. We all have a need to belong. When people scream I don’t need anyone they’re lying. We all need people in our life to love us and accept us for who we are. With that, though, we have to learn to keep people in their proper place.…
Just Be
Have you ever been told: You are enough. Life has a way of making us feel like we aren’t enough, like we have to do more and work harder to measure up to some imaginary, ever-changing standard. Books titled 10 Ways to get Rich and 10 Steps to a Better Life become national best-sellers. Why? Because we’re all trying to be something that we feel we’re not. We’re trying to make something happen. We’re trying to be bigger, badder, better. We feel it’s not enough to just be. The world tells us to be assertive, take what’s yours, and be confident cocky to get what you want. If you believe…
Be an Individual
Before I am anything, I am an individual. Whatever I bring to my marriage, my children, my career, my relationships, and anything else that I’m apart of all starts with me. Sometimes we forget to be an individual, and find ourselves off balance in life. If we pull too close to other people then we’re limiting ourselves to be the best that we can be. I’m not discouraging closeness with others, but it’s important to keep everything and everyone in its proper place. We are social creatures so we do need trusting, healthy relationships; but none should be closer to us than Jesus. Positive role models and mentors can be…
What kind of woman are you?
This morning I read Proverbs 31:10-31, and the four adjectives that came to my mind were: Productive, wise, generous, and kind. Do those words describe you? What kind of woman are you? Proverbs 31 passage paints a beautiful portrait of the virtuous woman. This is a very different image than the idolized celebrity that could so easily be described as: Beautiful, successful, prideful, and vain. What words describe you? Where are you looking to determine what kind of woman to be? Romans 12:1 tells us not to be conformed to this world. So many of us women learn as we go, trying this and that until we realize what doesn’t work. We…
LIFE & RELATIONSHIPS: Beware of Dividers
Dividers are out to divide, separate, and destroy. Dividers can’t always be easily identified, though they are all around us- even close to us. Dividers are good at suppressing their true motives. Though they won’t say it, it’s in their hearts. As we go through life, we must beware of dividers. Dividers suppress a lot in their heart. Actually, it’s those undealt with issues that cause them to divide. Don’t hate dividers and take their behavior personally; but rather spot them, love them, and protect your relationships. It requires wisdom & discernment from God in order to spot dividers. Have you ever had an issue with someone even though that…
JEALOUSY: Fight against it
All of us have our vulnerabilities. We all have those weaknesses that we will constantly have to battle against: pride, insecurity, anger, and the list goes on. We shouldn’t downplay any of them because they all have the potential to limit us in life, but this morning my heart is on jealousy: “Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy? – Proverbs 27:4 Jealousy left unattended is dangerous. If jealousy is not an issue for you, be grateful but be compassionate towards those that do struggle with it. Who decides what our vulnerabilities will be? We all come into this world with our…
You Control Your Mind
In life, we often find ourselves trying to control everything around us: our mate, our children, our friends, etc. You may not think you’re trying to control, but how do you respond when things don’t go your way? Instead of trying to control situations, I’m encouraging you to control your mind. Our mind is such a powerful force, yet we must control it to make it work for us and not against us. Where our thoughts go everything else will follow. Our emotions follow our mind. Our actions follow our mind. Beliefs, attitudes, and even self-esteem are all directed and influenced by the mind. We can have everything in…
WOMEN: 5 Blessings to Experience
Our lives are simply made up of all our experiences. Our experiences make life enjoyable and worthwhile, but we don’t want to experience any and everything. Read on for blessings you do want to experience. WOMEN: 5 Blessings to Experience 1. LOVE. There is nothing more empowering than receiving real, genuine, never wavering love. For me, the greatest love I’ve felt is the love that Jesus Christ has for me. It’s more than just singing the lyrics “Jesus loves me this I know…” It’s much, much deeper than that. It is a blessing to know that He loves me just the way I am, He loved me enough to die…