mid-year planning session: 5 tips by Margo Woodward
Life,  Women

Mid-Year Planning Session: 5 Tips

We’ve hit July, which means we’re halfway through the year. What kind of progress are you making on your goals? No doubt, we’ve all been hit with situations outside of our control, yet there is still so much within our control. Now is the perfect time for a mid-year planning session.

Mid-Year Planning Session: 5 Tips

1. Schedule a day.

The first step in your mid-year planning session is to schedule a day. Get out of your routines, step away from the noise, and get quiet. Schedule time to reassess your life, review your goals, and look ahead to see the best way to use your time.

2. Journal.

Spend some time journaling to assess how you’ve spent the first part of the year. What do you need to start doing now in order to finish strong? Express yourself, write lists, dream. Do whatever you need to do to start getting clarity about where you’re going in life.

3. Prioritize.

What are your priorities? A major key to progressing in life is to set and stick to your priorities. If you are going to make true change in life, you have to know your priorities. Not having set, written priorities is a sure way to be easily distracted and overwhelmed. As believers and followers of Christ, our #1 commitment above everything in life, must be God. As we keep Him as our #1, He has a way of providing us with everything we need.

But seek ye first and the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

– Matthew 6:33

4. Pray

I don’t encourage you to do your own thing in your mid-year planning session, but rather I encourage you to invite God in on your plans. What is His will for you in this season of life? What plans does He have for you? Don’t plan without praying. Invite God into your planning process and ask Him to lead and guide you in every way. He will!

5. Plan

Once you’ve taken the time to: schedule a day, journal, prioritize, and pray, now you need to plan! You must set things to days to make them real and not just abstract ideas/dreams. When will you do what you want to do? What goals will you set for this month? Start breaking your big ideas down into small chunks, and set due dates for yourself. This part of the process can be somewhat intimidating because you will begin to intrude on your routines. Push through the hesitation, though, and plan. If you don’t do anything differently then nothing will change in your life.

I pray that these 5 tips will help you with your mid-year planning session. It requires diligence and intention to live a meaningful, progressive life. I’d love to hear from you! Which tip speaks most to you?

With love,

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