• prioritize parenting by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Women

    FAMILY & PARENTING: Prioritize Parenting

    Do you prioritize parenting? This world does not. In fact, the world’s value system ranks parenting so low that parents find themselves pulled away from their children. As followers of Christ, standing on God’s Word, we must prioritize parenting. What does it mean to prioritize parenting? Well, for starters it means that we understand the importance of being active and engaged with our children. Our kids are very dependent as babies. We tend to think that as they age, they need us less and less. In some ways this is true, however, in other ways our kids will begin to need us more and more. For instance, as they get…

  • keeping your priorities in place by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Work

    Keeping Your Priorities in Place

    One of the most difficult things to do in life is to keep your priorities in place. Often, the things that we pursue aren’t necessarily wrong, it’s just that we go at them the wrong way. You know, the ‘laser-focused’, ‘hustle-hustle’ mentality. This attitude causes us to lose perspective and lose sight of what’s most important. No matter what we’re aiming to achieve in life, we must focus on keeping our priorities in place. What are your priorities? We all may answer this question a little differently, but the 1 thing that must be the same is our #1 priority. No matter our season in life, as followers of Christ,…

  • Walking in Authority by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Life

    Walking in Authority: 5 Tips

    Much of our stress in life is a result of not walking in authority. As born again followers of Christ, we have authority. We just have to learn how to appropriate it. When we do, we place ourselves in a position of overcoming the distractions designed to destroy us. None of us are exempt from difficulties. Day-to-day obligations cause us to burnout, preventing us from excelling. We desire to thrive, yet we only find ourselves surviving. If we’re honest, we can look back over our lives and see very little change. Why is this? Much of our lack of movement in life is because we are not walking in authority.…

  • the process of changing by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    LIFE & GROWTH: The Process of Changing

    Living is all about growing. Growth, however, requires change. This often poses as the challenge for most. Changing. We must adjust the way that we look at change and realize that if we are to grow and be all that God has called us to be, we must change. Let’s discuss the process of changing. Change requires growth and growth requires change. We must start by adjusting how we view these two terms. As we do, our mindset will be in a position to cooperate with growth and change, as opposed to rejecting it. Mindset is key. If you are to engage in the process of changing, you must get…

  • what is being a mom all about by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Margo

    HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY 2022: What is being a mom all about?

    Happy Mother’s Day 2022! As we celebrate this Mother’s Day, the question on my heart is this: What is being a mom all about? No doubt, we may all answer this question differently, but here are a few things that I think mommyhood is all about. Being Present. Being a mother is about being present. I mean this in the physical, emotional, mental, and above all, spiritual sense. Children need present mommies. Hopefully, we realize that society does not push mommies to their babies, but instead society pulls mommies away from their babies. We rush back to work, overly focus on our goals, all while missing the main thing: Being…

  • How to Handle Unexpected Last Minute Changes by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Life

    How To Handle Unexpected Last Minute Changes

    Life does not always go as planned. Days do not often go as planned. For that reason, it is imperative that we learn how to handle unexpected last minute changes. How do you tend to handle unexpected last minute changes? Or, plans not going through? Our reactions show the state of our heart. Since we know that life happens, we must change how we respond when it does. How To Handle Unexpected Last Minute Changes Once we focus on and grow in this area, we will be much more efficient in navigating through situations outside of our control. This topic truly is a result of my past 2 weekends, which…

  • INTROSPECTION: Why It's Necessary by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    INTROSPECTION: Why It’s Necessary

    Do you make introspection a priority in your life? It seems there is always something to do, something always commanding/demanding our attention, which makes it hard to just get quiet. However, it is in those quiet times that we gain what we need to live. Though we live in a constantly moving world, we must take the time to ensure that we are not living from the outside in, but rather from the inside out. Introspection makes this possible. According to Merriam-Webster, introspection is defined as: “a reflective looking inward; an examination of one’s own thoughts and feelings.” Introspection provides you the opportunity to really get to know you. Do…

  • Possible does not mean easy by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    Possible Does Not Mean Easy

    One of the biggest misperceptions that causes us a lot of stress is thinking that things will be easy. We’re fed the fairy-tale illusion by the world, which leads us to underestimate the cost that we’ll have to pay to attain our dreams. God’s Word tells us that anything is possible with God. That is absolute truth. We must, however, realize that possible does not mean easy. Anything worth having will not come easy. What are you going after? How much are you willing to pay? Have you accepted the reality that anything worth having will not come easy? Personally, I feel like this is a truth that I have…

  • ATTITUDE PROBLEM: Get yourself together, girl. by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    ATTITUDE PROBLEM? Get yourself together, girl.

    Do you have an attitude problem? When we think of attitude, we tend to think of having a negative attitude, however, we always have an attitude. It’s just a matter of what type it is. How would you describe your attitude? Or, maybe a better assessment would be how others describe your attitude. Another way of looking at your attitude would be to consider your energy. What type of energy exudes from you? This energy is stemming from your attitude. How do others feel in your presence? How do you impact those around you? Our attitude most certainly affects us, but it also significantly affects others. Having an attitude problem…

  • adjusting to new seasons by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Work

    LIFE & WORK: Adjusting to New Seasons

    One of the top reasons that we find ourselves stressed in life is due to our inability to identify our current season. Life is seasonal and continually changing, therefore, we must be continually adjusting to new seasons. Adjusting to new seasons will require us to be able to discern the season we find ourselves in. Taking the time to identify our current season, will empower us to make any necessary adjustments that need to be made. This awareness requires reflection, prayer, and quiet time. There are some season changes that we can anticipate, such as becoming a newlywed, a new parent, or an entrepreneur. There are other seasons, however, that…