The world we live in often pushes us around. Most people feel stressed, over worked, under rested, and pushed around. We accept this way of life as though it’s the only way. There is, however, a better way. I encourage you to pace yourself and not push yourself. Pacing yourself provides many benefits. It allows you to be present, mindful, and engaged. Think of how often we may be somewhere, but we’re really not ‘there.’ Instead, we’re thinking of what else needs to be done, what others are doing, or what we’re doing next. That’s no way to live. Living this way prevents us from living anchored, fulfilled lives of…
Seek Balance
Coming off the Thanksgiving holiday, I can truly say that I was blessed with balance. The normal pace of life tends to be rushed. I constantly feel like I’m on the clock, working to stay on top of things. This break allowed me to not be so tied to the clock, providing me the space to do what mattered to me. We tend to burn out and push ourselves to exhaustion, which is not healthy. I encourage you to begin to seek balance in your day-to-day life. Though our days seem to be maxed out, there are countless ways to change it up. For me, I’m becoming very aware that…
Take Action Now
One of the biggest reasons we aren’t progressing in life is because we’re not taking action. We read, we consume, and even plan to do things; yet we never do them. We scroll, save, pin, and even commit; yet we don’t implement. If we are going to see our lives truly change, we must start taking action. Even more specific, we must start living with a take action now mindset. This attitude will change our days, our decisions, our lives. It will help you to use your time more wisely and it will keep you moving forward. So often what gets us is a lack of action. We lose our…
Working Through Your Feelings
How good are you at working through your feelings? Consider this 2 ways: (1) Working through your feelings to handle them appropriately and effectively; and (2) Working through your feelings, continuing to do what you need to do. Both are essential and both are areas that God is maturing me in. Our emotional life affects us in so many ways. Today, after being triggered, I realized that we often think through our emotions. Meaning our thoughts are not solid, rational, and reliable; instead they are running through the filter of our emotions. Depending on how we are feeling at the moment, this can be disastrous. Think about how crazy your…
Control Your Emotions
How well do you control your emotions? This is an area that the Lord is actively growing me in. Not just controlling them, but growing in understanding them in myself as well as in others. If we are going to follow Christ and be all that He has created us to be, we must grow in being able to control our emotions. What disturbs your peace? Steals your joy? Throws you off? These are the things that we must begin paying attention to. We must pay closely to the emotion that is aroused within us, as well as the ‘why‘ that triggered the emotion. The worse thing we can do…
Growth Is Not Pretty
We have the wrong idea about change. We look at our lives and think that something is wrong with us. We look at the lives and others and again, think something is wrong with us. Many of the circumstances in our lives are there to help us grow. Once we accept that, a growth mindset, some call it; we must then realize that growth is not pretty. Growth is a messy process. It’s messy because it reveals the worse in us. Challenges pull out what’s deep within and even then growth isn’t automatic. This is why people can experience the same tough situations, yet be affected very differently. Growth requires…
When Things Don’t Go Your Way: 10 Tips
How do you respond when things don’t go your way? Do you quit, lash out, or throw in the towel? Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Some small, some big. Since we can’t avoid these surprise scenarios, we must focus on adjusting our response to them. When Things Don’t Go Your Way: 10 Tips 1. Take a Moment When things don’t go your way, take a moment. Don’t allow your emotional reaction to cause you to react immediately. Instead, take a moment to gather yourself, calm down, and consider your next move. 2. Think When things don’t go our way, our initial reaction is likely emotional. We feel…
Life Improvement is Self Improvement
Though we tend to focus on our differences in life, there are many things that are the same for us all. One commonality that connects us on one level or another, is our desire for better. Regardless of where we are in life, we’re all working toward something. This something fuels hope and provides motivation for our work. As we continue our journey toward better, it is key for us to realize that: Life Improvement is Self Improvement. If we take the time to truly look at our lives, we’ll find that they are a result of us. Our lives are reflections of us and our decisions. If, then, our…
The Blessing of Discomfort
One way that God has stretched and blessed me is by allowing me to be uncomfortable. We live in a world that sends us the message of comfort and convenience, but that is not God’s way. God is always after our growth. He sees our heart and is extremely concerned with our character and our conformity to Christ. In order for this to occur, we often need discomfort. The blessing of discomfort is that it motivates us. What motivates you? Seriously, think about it. Ponder it. Write it down. Consider your past achievements and accomplishments. What pushed you to get it done? For me, I am motivated by better. I…
Choosing What To Focus On
As I write, one of the lessons that the Lord is actively teaching me is: Choosing what to focus on. Do you realize that much of our struggle in life is a result of what we’re focusing on? Life will never be perfect. We realize this, yet we work ourselves up about it. We focus on what angers us, what bothers us, what is coming against us. What if we accepted those things for what they are without focusing on them? If we are going to live the abundant lives that Christ died for us to live, we must begin choosing what to focus on. Choosing what to focus on…