I am continually learning the importance of focus. One way to define focus is the ability to do what needs to be done- in the midst of distractions. We tend to picture how things will go, plan how we will go about our day; but what happens when unforeseen variables enter the picture? They tend to stop us. If we are going to progress and sustain the progress that God blesses us with, we must learn how to work through distractions. In order to work through distractions, you must spot them. It will be practically impossible to work through distractions if you are unable to identify them. This is where…
Overcoming Control Issues
The longer that we walk with the Lord, the more clarity we gain. We gain clarity in knowing Him, His Word, His ways; and we also gain clarity into our unique issues. There are often a few, key root issues that cause major problems in our lives. One of those issues is control. The Lord is providing me much clarity into my relationship with control. I pray this article provides the insight needed to help you with overcoming control issues. Control issues run deep. The thing about control issues is that it’s not about the issue at hand. It feels like it is, but it’s not. Like many issues, anger…
Time management is a continual struggle for me. It’s one of those areas that I can never seem to master. I do, however, grow in it. God continues to grow me in awareness of the things that I can do to manage my time better. In this post, I will share the time management tips that God is currently teaching me. TIP #1: Humility is Key This is one of the top lessons that I continually learn as it relates to time management. Humility is key, as it keeps me dependent on the Lord. If I could do it on my own, I would, and you know what else? I’d…
Work With Time in Mind
Time management is not my strength. Being timely is something I have to really work at. I have found that I can wake up at 3:00 a.m. and still run late to a 9:00 appointment. Why is that? Not working with time in mind. God has brought to my attention that I must work with time in mind. I tend to throw myself into my tasks. If I’m writing, I’m doing just that. Naturally, I’m not writing and staying mindful of time. This is the problem. I must work with time in mind. This means, setting schedules and timelines for myself. We tend to work well with schedules that are…
Establishing Boundaries
One of the hardest things about being a wife, mommy, and professional, is establishing boundaries. Personally, I feel like I’m constantly working to maintain balance across my various roles. I’m an advocate for priorities, yet, it gets to a point where we must grow in prioritizing our priorities! This is where establishing boundaries comes into play. Establishing boundaries requires intention. Establishing boundaries is something that requires intention, quiet time, and forethought. We must prioritize quiet time alone with God where we express our heart’s desires and frustrations. In doing so, we open ourselves up to God’s divine wisdom. Lately, God has been protecting me so much from haste. In my…
Find Contentment in Imperfections
Life is imperfect. As hard as we work to make things perfect, they never will be. Why? Earth is not a perfect place. As Christians, awaiting for Christ’s return, we must adjust our mindset and how we view life. Life is imperfect. We are imperfect. We must learn to find contentment in imperfections. If we don’t, we will never be happy. Lately, the Lord has been highlighting my controlling, demanding, anxious ways. These ways are after perfection. We control, demand, and are anxious, because we’re desiring perfection- or what we picture as perfection. Without even realizing it, we don’t see that our ways are causing us stress. The issue is…
Effective Conflict Resolution: 5 Tips
Conflict is a part of life. Though many people run from it, there’s no way to avoid it. Instead of dreading it and avoiding it, we must learn healthy ways to deal with it. Effective conflict resolution is key. How do you typically respond to conflict? Consider these 5 tips. 1. Take a moment. One behavior that contributes to the strife is immediate reaction. When in conflict, it is sometimes best to take a moment. Take a moment to gather yourself, calm down, and process the entire situation- not just your perspective. The common suggestion, count to ten, can be vey helpful. It allows you the time to get yourself…
Focus on Purpose
As you go about your day-to-day activities, what are you focused on? Do you live from an overwhelmed, make-it-by attitude; or do you live fulfilled, productive, and purpose driven? Though we all have routine obligations and responsibilities, I encourage you to focus on purpose. What do I mean by focus on purpose? Focus on your purpose for doing your particular things. This requires a mental shift from the what to the why. Ask yourself: “Why am I doing this?” This will enable you to function from a place of purpose, not a place of stress. This can be helpful when applied at home with family, or even at work on…
Confession is Key
You know something that can really get me down? Falling short. There is a desire for perfection within me. I can see this from a fleshly side: pride, self-esteem, etc. I can also see this from a spiritual side, stemming from the desire to be like Christ. From a spiritual perspective, we may get down when we know we haven’t done right in God’s eyes. It can also hurt when we know we have hurt others. How do we move forward from these moments? Confession is key. Though we all have a level of pride in wanting to do right, we must remember that only One is perfect. Jesus Christ.…
Guard Your Mind: 3 Tips
We live in a noisy, distracting world. If you are going to be all and do all that God has created you to do, you must learn how to guard your mind. As long as we are living, we must know that attacks are inevitable. Enemies, distractions, negativity will all be present. We won’t be able to completely cut out all distractions, but we must learn how to guard our mind, while living in the midst of distractions. Guard Your Mind: 3 Tips 1. Honesty In order to guard your mind, you must be honest. You must be honest about how you feel, why you feel that way, and what…