adjust accordingly when facing challenges: 5 tips
Life,  Marriage

Adjust Accordingly When Facing Challenges: 5 TIPS

Success in our lives depends heavily on our ability to adjust accordingly.  One of the most immature things to say, and we’ve all said it, is “this is just how I am.”  If you live with this mindset then I hope you’re happy with today’s circumstances, because they are not likely to change.  

Changes in life will always require us to change in some way.  

To be the same way, all the time, no matter the situation is highly ineffective.  To face every relationship challenge and/or conflict the same way is also highly ineffective.

Life, with its various challenges, requires us to adjust accordingly.

In order for us to realize this, however, we must first take a step back & reflect.  We will often find ourselves in situations that we don’t feel fully prepared for.  It may be a situation or an event that throws us off. 

Everyone is different and our society is extremely diverse, so we must accept the fact that we will find ourselves in positions that require us to adjust accordingly.  It’s inevitable that we will encounter people with various backgrounds, perspectives, and personalities.  When we find ourselves in this position, we must assess the situation & adjust accordingly.

How To Adjust Accordingly: 5 TIPS

1. Take some time. Give yourself the space to adjust.  We’re human so some adjustments will require us to adjust our viewpoint, mental space, and priorities.

2. While adjusting, think about your objectives.  What are you focused on?  What are you end goals?  Don’t let anybody or anything get in the way of what you are focused on achieving.  

3. Stay composed.  Keep your power.  Sometimes, we are simply being tested.  Don’t give in.  Instead, keep composure in the moment and express yourself later- in a safe place.

4. Change your perspective.  Have you tried looking at the situation from a different perspective?  Read the Bible for God’s perspective?  Talked to someone you trust about it?  It may be helpful to take a step back, get out of your feelings, and consider another position.  

5. Demonstrate flexibility & respect.  No matter the situation, aim to demonstrate flexibility & respect.  Challenges stretch us, demanding more than what we’d naturally give.  Each time we persist through a challenge, we are becoming that much more flexible and resilient.  Lastly, even in the midst of conflict or disagreement, it is key to always demonstrate respect.

We want to avoid a rigid mindset that desires everyone to agree with us, or every situation to line up with our expectations or preferences.

I love this quote I found on Pinterest: “Every next level of your life will demand a different version of you.”  

It’s not about changing your “you“, but rather it’s about growing your “you.”  If we expect to grow and receive more, we must be wise enough to know that more will be expected of us. 

So, as you face the challenges that will inevitably come your way, remember that your success is in your ability to adjust accordingly.

“But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes.  For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.”

– Luke 12:48

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