• establishing new routines by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    Establishing New Routines in 2025

    We are down to the last 3 days of 2024, and I admit, I’m feeling a little stressed. Being a goal-driven person, I work to create goals to focus on in the new year. This goal creation process takes reflection, assessment, as well as vision. Not to mention, you don’t want to go at it alone. More than anything, I want to be in God’s will for my life. See how I can feel the stress? As I work through this process and consider necessary adjustments, I’m reminded of the importance of routines, so in this post, I will provide insight that will assist you in establishing new routines in…

  • rejection is a gift by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Work

    Rejection is a Gift

    Rejection is a gift. Though it doesn’t feel good and we normally associate rejection with hurt; rejection is actually a gift. Through life and work experiences, I have been able to grow through rejection and identify many of the blessings that it brings. Rejection builds strength. Though we seek acceptance and want community with others, there are times and seasons in life when we are not accepted. This rejection can be for various reasons. There isn’t just one reason why we experience rejection, however, when we accept the rejection and turn to the Lord, He is not only able to provide us with insight into the rejection, but He also…

  • Overcoming Challenges pinpoint the issue by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    OVERCOMING CHALLENGES: Pinpoint the Issue

    Living a well-lived life requires us to get beyond the surface. This is often our challenge, because we are constantly bombarded. We’re bombarded with things to do, situations to tend to, issues to resolve. In the midst of these realities, we must be intentional to get to the root of the matter and pinpoint the issue. When we pinpoint the issue, we begin to really address things. Without getting to the real issue, we will find ourselves constantly frustrated and overwhelmed, without making any real progress in life. This is when we find ourselves in a state of blame. When we blame others and situations for our state in life,…

  • when seeking change by Margo Woodward

    Do Something About It: 5 Tips When Seeking Change In Your Life

    In life, there are always problems to solve. We’re constantly working through something, trying to figure something out, or desiring some type of change. Though we are not in complete control of life, we do play a huge role in the lives that we live. I remember a few years back when God showed me that I was operating from a victim mentality. You know, the mindset where you feel that this is just it and there’s nothing I can do about it. Well, I’m here to share with you today, that when you are seeking change in your life: Do something about it. As Christians, the things that we…

  • the pursuit of perfection by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Margo

    The Pursuit of Perfection

    As long as I can remember, I’ve desired perfection. There was a time that me and a best friend of mine considered getting perfection tattooed on us. On our necks to be exact! Can you believe that? I’m not certain if this desire for perfection is due to growing up in so much dysfunction, or it’s just how I’m wired. Either way, I am growing to realize that I am always on the pursuit of perfection. In some ways, this is good, as it leads to progress. In other ways, it’s not so good, as it leads to stress. For the Christian, the pursuit of perfection is the reality that…

  • Trust the process by Margo Woodward

    Trust the Process

    Life is merely a continuous collection of processes. Think about even a day. There is a process of rising, getting started, and working on our duties for the day. On a larger scale, life is seasonal, and there are processes that must take place in every area of living. Not understanding why things are happening, or how they will connect to the next season, often cause us frustration. Today, I want to encourage you to trust the process. One thing that I continue to learn is that: I am not in control. You know how sometimes we say things, as though we believe them, but our actions are contradictory? For…

  • CONSISTENCY MATTERS by Margo Woodward

    Consistency Matters

    In life, we tend to overlook the importance of consistency. One off’s in the right direction are great, but they will rarely bring us the results that we’re after. Growth and progress in life are often a result of consistency. We have to keep on doing the right things. This is true in our spiritual walk, our relationships, our health, our money, and so on. We must understand that consistency matters and we must keep doing the right thing over and over- despite our results. Recently, in Sunday School, we discussed the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. This is the familiar story of them being thrown into the fiery…

  • how to encourage yourself: 5 tips by Margo Woodward

    How To Encourage Yourself: 5 Tips

    Life is full of disappointments. Things not going our way, people letting us down, plans falling completely apart. How do you handle these let downs? It’s natural to feel disappointment or anger when things don’t go our way, but we cannot stop there. We must learn how to pick up where we are and keep moving forward. We cannot allow disappointments to keep us disappointed. Read for 5 tips on how to encourage yourself and recover from disappointments. How To Encourage Yourself: 5 Tips 1. Be Honest The first step in encouraging yourself is that you must be honest about your current feelings. Honesty can be vulnerable, which is why…

  • when no means yes by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Work

    When No Means Yes

    This week, I was told no. I admit, it didn’t and doesn’t feel good, yet, I know it is necessary. Hearing no communicates to us “You are not good enough.” This, however, is not the truth. We must reprogram how our minds process no, hence, the title of this post: When no means yes. There are times when hearing no is actually giving us a yes in other areas. Hearing no is not all bad. There’s good in it, too. Hearing no to one thing, is actually saying yes to another. For instance, if you were not selected for a promotion, you are actually receiving a yes to other things:…

  • forward focused by Margo Woodward

    Live Forward Focused: 4 Tips

    It’s been a few months since my last post, but today, I want to share with you the importance of being forward focused. We hear a lot about focus in life, and though I believe in being focused, how I view focus has changed over the years. I do not support being laser-focused in life, as I believe it causes us to neglect other areas of our life, and I am focused on living a well-balanced life. I do, however, strongly believe in the importance of being forward focused. In order to live well, move forward, and grow in God, we must be forward focused. Living forward focused keeps us…