Fighting Overwhelm: 10 Tips to Consider by Margo Woodward
Life,  Women

Fighting Overwhelm: 10 Tips

If we take an honest look at society, we’re able to see that most people are fighting overwhelm. The pace of life, the constant activity, the demanding schedules is enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed. Instead of succumbing to overwhelm, which will likely lead to hopelessness and depression; I’m going to share 10 tips that will help you to fight overwhelm!

Fighting Overwhelm: 10 Tips

1. Slow down. If you are feeling overwhelmed, slow down. The overwhelming feelings may be simply communicating that you are moving too fast.

2. Consider your priorities. Take some time to consider your priorities. Review them. Are you tending to them? Living in balance? Do you even know your priorities? It is essential to know your priories so you can then balance your time toward them.

3. Journal. Maybe you are carrying around too much in your mind. Jot it all down. Write lists. Express yourself. Plan. Grab a pen & pad and simply clear your mind.

4. Talk to someone. In our society, it’s easy to function for long periods of time without having a real conversation. This isn’t healthy. We need authentic and honest communication. Take the time to just talk.

5. Praise music. There are times when we feel overwhelmed & down and we don’t even know why. These are perfect times to praise the Lord. Just turn on some praise music and let it play until your spirits are lifted.

6. Dream. Take some time to dream. Consider where you are right now and look toward where you want to be. Take a step back from the never-ending details and to-do lists and simply dream.

7. Stop. At times, it’s necessary for us to just stop and do nothing. Don’t scroll social media, don’t journal, just stop and get present in the moment. Allow yourself time to experience doing nothing.

8. Consider what’s really important. Take some time to consider what’s really important to you. This will help you to balance your time and your energy. Know that you can’t do everything, but you can focus on what’s really important to you. These are decisions that you have to make for yourself.

9. Get comfortable saying no. If you are fighting overwhelm, it could be that you are trying to be everything to everyone. People-pleasing is bound to leave you overwhelmed. Once you consider your priorities, you are able to communicate to others what you can and can’t do.

10. Keep God first! Though this is #10 on the list, it is most important. We may have to slow down and get to a clear space to even focus on our heart and relationship with God, but this is most important. We live in a world that is constantly pulling us, so it is imperative to remain anchored in the Lord so we can effectively respond to the waves of life.

As I write this, the Lord is pulling me out of an overwhelmed, emotional pit. I pray that you found encouragement and insight on how to fight your battles with overwhelm. None of us are exempt from overwhelm, the key is in how we respond to it.

Love you all,

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