hold yourself accountable by Margo Woodward
Life,  Work

Hold Yourself Accountable

Do you hold yourself accountable? Most of us struggle with this, which is why we often fail to keep our word or achieve our goals. I’m definitely a proponent of support groups, coaching, and accountability partners; yet, I also advocate that we grow in the ability to hold ourselves accountable.

Why are you unable to hold yourself accountable?

This is the key question. Being honest about our current state is the only way to move forward in true growth, leading to real results.

We often fail to ask ourselves these key questions because deep down we already know the answer, yet we’re not quite ready to face it. I get it. Coming clean is hard. Facing issues is hard. Being honest about the current state of our heart is hard, yet it is the only way to grow.

Growth is hard.

Once we get clear on why we do what we do, we position ourselves for progress. For instance, maybe you think you’re unable to follow through on your goals because you have a hard time focusing, but as you begin to really focus in you uncover that the issue is really with your relationships. They are creating chaos & havoc in your life. No one can focus on achieving goals if they’re constantly putting out fires in their relationships!

I get it. Sometimes our real issues are not what they appear to be. Sometimes they are, sometimes they’re not. The only way to discover the root of the matter is to really get serious about understanding what’s holding you back, and that takes time.

Lastly, once you get clear on the root issues of your struggles, you’re in a better position to hold yourself accountable. You can now set appropriate goals, and hold yourself accountable to achieving them. So, referencing the previous example, maybe an appropriate goal is to allow yourself a ‘no-contact’ day.

This day would allow you the space and clarity to deal with you, better positioning you to attack your goals. If you haven’t noticed already, the condition that you’re in will determine how effective you’ll be at all that you do.

Your effectiveness in life depends on the quality of you.

Whatever you discover as you go through your process, don’t be deterred. Be determined to deal with whatever you uncover so that you can journey on and be all that God created you to be.

With love,

Margo Woodward blog signature

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