• Where's Your Focus? by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    Where’s Your Focus?

    In life, we’re faced with situations that simply reveal where our focus is. Where’s your focus? Do you focus on others, situations, opposition, the past, or do you focus on where you’re going? Where’s Your Focus? If we are going to progress in life and keep momentum going in the right direction, we must begin to control our focus. In life, things happen. The unexpected constantly occurs. People come against us. We see and feel opposition on a daily basis. For myself, being a public speaker, I’m faced with negative expressions and energy while speaking. I’m learning to not take it personal, or absorb the negative energy of others, but…

  • 4 days left in 2020: Start Visualizing by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    4 Days Left in 2020: Start Visualizing for the New

    We’re down to 4 days left in 2020. How are you feeling? How will you spend the remainder of your year? I’m feeling optimistic and excited about the new possibilities that are right around the corner. 2020 has been quite a year, and we’ve all been impacted in various ways, but regardless of what you’ve faced: I encourage you to take the time to start dreaming again. Start Visualizing for the New. What do you see? What would you like to accomplish in 2021? If you don’t take the time to reset, refresh, and reimagine, no one will do it for you. You must dream for yourself, and that’s exactly…

  • Avoiding Pitfalls & Distractions in Life by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    Avoiding Pitfalls & Distractions in Life

    If we are going to achieve anything worthwhile and fulfill the plans that God has for our lives, we must learn how to focus. A major key of remaining focused is in our ability to avoid pitfalls & distractions in life. Distractions are apart of life. No one is exempt. The key is to spot them for what they are and remain focused on your priorities. I’ve written several blog posts on remaining focused: 3 Keys To Living a Focused Life How To Focus On What Truly Matters: 5 TIPS Get Focused & Stay Focused The ability to focus is key, yet another area to be aware of is: Avoiding…

  • Obedience brings blessings by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    Obedience Brings Blessings

    So often we view God’s way as a hindrance to getting our on way, but in actuality, obeying God’s way positions us to receive better than our way. Doing things God’s way positions us to receive God’s best for us. Obedience brings blessings. What prevents you from obeying? Pride, fear, uncertainty? Or, do you literally feel unable to do things God’s way, as though you’re facing an impossible feat? We all face various challenges as it relates to obeying God, however, one thing we must agree on is that: God’s way is best. Once we humbly acknoweldge that indeed, God’s way is best, then we are in a position to…

  • mid-year planning session: 5 tips by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    Mid-Year Planning Session: 5 Tips

    We’ve hit July, which means we’re halfway through the year. What kind of progress are you making on your goals? No doubt, we’ve all been hit with situations outside of our control, yet there is still so much within our control. Now is the perfect time for a mid-year planning session. Mid-Year Planning Session: 5 Tips 1. Schedule a day. The first step in your mid-year planning session is to schedule a day. Get out of your routines, step away from the noise, and get quiet. Schedule time to reassess your life, review your goals, and look ahead to see the best way to use your time. 2. Journal. Spend…

  • the challenge of simply living: 3 Tips by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    The Challenge of Simply Living: 3 Tips

    I don’t know about you, but it is difficult for me to simply live. I have a tendency to work and prepare, but the Lord is currently teaching me how to simply live. What about you? How do you overcome the challenge of simply living? The Challenge of Simply Living: 3 Tips 1. Stop worrying. We don’t always spot worrying for what it really is. We may sugarcoat it as planning or thinking through things, but more often than not it is worrying. Worrying will prevent us from enjoying the present by shifting our attention to what could be. We don’t know what the future holds. We’re not in control,…

  • 5 things to do when you feel like quitting by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    5 Things to do When You Feel Like Quitting

    What do you do when you feel like quitting? We all have those times in life when we get tired. Those times when it feels like we’re working hard for nothing. What do you do in those times? Even though we may feel like quitting, we’re not supposed to give in to those feelings. 5 Things to do When You Feel Like Quitting 1. Take a Break. Sometimes we’ve been working so hard for so long that we just simply need to take a break. This can look different for each of us, but the key is to take a break so you can gain perspective. 2. Reflect. It will…

  • Mothers Day 2020: A Note to Single Mommas by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    Happy Mother’s Day 2020: A Note to Single Mommas

    I sit to write this as a 34-year old wife and mother of 3. My heart is with the single mommas on the eve of this 2020 Mother’s Day because I know it’s not easy. I’ve lived it and it’s only by the grace of God that I made it through. Now, I want to encourage you. A Note to Single Mommas: First off all, I need you to know that you can do it. Stop saying you can’t do it by yourself. Stop begging for support, crying that you can’t raise these kids by yourself. You can do it. I know it’s not ideal and prayerfully it won’t be…

  • How to Maintain Your Joy: 5 TIPS by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    How to Maintain Your Joy: 5 Tips

    A lesson that the Lord has been teaching me lately is how to maintain my joy. He’s really allowing me to see that I can’t control situations around me, but I can control my response. When we allow situations to take us ‘there’ and affect our mood, we are giving outside situations more control over us than they should have. How to Maintain Your Joy: 5 Tips 1. Keep Composure. One way to maintain your joy is to focus on keeping composure. Even when you feel yourself going ‘there’, begin to focus your energy on staying composed. Don’t lose your cool. As you grow in your ability to keep composure,…

  • a full time mommy by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Women

    A Full-Time Mommy

    Due to coronavirus, most of us have found ourselves being more of a full-time mommy than we’ve ever been. There have been no drop-offs at school, daycare, or anywhere. We’ve all been at home. How have you been handling it? How are you handling being a full-time mommy? Mommyhood can be a struggle for us all at times. It seems our job is never-ending, and we’re torn between caring for them and for ourselves. It’s a constant balancing act. Just last week, I hesitated before waking up the girls because I realized that once they were awake my job began. We can all relate to this, and some may struggle…