• Obedience pays off by Margo Woodward

    Obedience Pays Off

    How do you feel about the word obedience? Many of our initial feelings may include: restraint, control, or even weakness. Due to the negative emotions that we’ve attached to obedience, it’s no surprise that we tend to rebel. As Christians, however, we must adjust our mindset toward obedience and realize that obedience pays off. Obedience requires sacrifice. In order to obey God, you must sacrifice something. Most of the time this something is our own will. Fighting and resisting our own will is likely one of the toughest battles we face. It can be hard to yield to another, and not do what you want. In order to do this,…

  • ANGER MANAGEMENT 101: Calm is the goal by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Margo

    ANGER MANAGEMENT 101: Calm is the Goal

    Anger is an issue that many of us deal with today. I say us, as God has brought me a mighty long way as it relates to the emotion of anger, and He continues to provide insight. In this post ANGER MANAGEMENT 101, I’m going to propose that calm is the goal. If you have an anger issue, the first thing you have to understand is that calm is the goal. Anger is destructive, dangerous, and flat-out unproductive. So, in order to grow in managing anger, you must first see it for what it is. Consider this: How are you when you are angry? Really take the time to answer…

  • the blessing of balanced days by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Work

    The Blessing of Balanced Days

    I know the hustle-hustle, laser-focused mentality is running rampant nowadays; but I’m a proponent of having balanced days. Balanced days where the various aspects of our life are tended to, as opposed to neglecting some while laser-focusing on one or others. I do understand that there will be times when we are pressed to work or meet a deadline. I’m not referring to those situations, I’m encouraging us to focus on living balanced days as the norm. The blessing of balanced days is that we’re able to work on and enjoy the various aspects of our life. Not only will we reap the benefits of focusing on the various aspects…

  • The importance of habits by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Work

    The Importance of Habits

    What habits do you have in place? A lack of habits leads to a waste of time. If we are to maximize our time and use it in the best way possible, we must begin to see the importance of habits. I admit that the younger me did not like habits. I used to feel that they made life boring, but oh how my attitude has changed. I’ve grown to understand their importance in my life. Habits save time. Habits save time because they limit the number of things you have to think about in a day. Every day will present us with many decisions to make. Some situations we…

  • Life,  Work

    Keep Calm & Stay Focused

    Do you know why many people do not progress in life? It’s not due to ability or intellect, but rather due to their inability to stay focused. Focus is essential to achieve anything worthwhile in this life. If we are going to stay focused, we must begin to better identify our distractors. Many of our distractions are emotional in nature. In order to progress in life, you must learn how to keep calm & stay focused. I encourage you to take some time to ponder this question: What distracts me? The first step in identifying what’s hindering your progress is to identify your distractions. I believe we all have particular…

  • Life,  Women

    How to Keep God First: 5 Tips

    My mission in life is to inspire women to follow Christ and be all that He created them to be. This is the purpose that God has placed in my heart, as well as the experience that I live. I live following Christ, aspiring to do all that He created me to do; and I encourage others to do the same. A common struggle that we all face is keeping God first. How to Keep God First: 5 Tips 1. Make Time for Him If we are going to keep God first in our lives, we must make time for Him. This is an area that requires sincere intention and…

  • Walking in Authority by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Life

    Walking in Authority: 5 Tips

    Much of our stress in life is a result of not walking in authority. As born again followers of Christ, we have authority. We just have to learn how to appropriate it. When we do, we place ourselves in a position of overcoming the distractions designed to destroy us. None of us are exempt from difficulties. Day-to-day obligations cause us to burnout, preventing us from excelling. We desire to thrive, yet we only find ourselves surviving. If we’re honest, we can look back over our lives and see very little change. Why is this? Much of our lack of movement in life is because we are not walking in authority.…

  • the process of changing by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    LIFE & GROWTH: The Process of Changing

    Living is all about growing. Growth, however, requires change. This often poses as the challenge for most. Changing. We must adjust the way that we look at change and realize that if we are to grow and be all that God has called us to be, we must change. Let’s discuss the process of changing. Change requires growth and growth requires change. We must start by adjusting how we view these two terms. As we do, our mindset will be in a position to cooperate with growth and change, as opposed to rejecting it. Mindset is key. If you are to engage in the process of changing, you must get…

  • How to Handle Unexpected Last Minute Changes by Margo Woodward
    Family,  Life

    How To Handle Unexpected Last Minute Changes

    Life does not always go as planned. Days do not often go as planned. For that reason, it is imperative that we learn how to handle unexpected last minute changes. How do you tend to handle unexpected last minute changes? Or, plans not going through? Our reactions show the state of our heart. Since we know that life happens, we must change how we respond when it does. How To Handle Unexpected Last Minute Changes Once we focus on and grow in this area, we will be much more efficient in navigating through situations outside of our control. This topic truly is a result of my past 2 weekends, which…

  • INTROSPECTION: Why It's Necessary by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    INTROSPECTION: Why It’s Necessary

    Do you make introspection a priority in your life? It seems there is always something to do, something always commanding/demanding our attention, which makes it hard to just get quiet. However, it is in those quiet times that we gain what we need to live. Though we live in a constantly moving world, we must take the time to ensure that we are not living from the outside in, but rather from the inside out. Introspection makes this possible. According to Merriam-Webster, introspection is defined as: “a reflective looking inward; an examination of one’s own thoughts and feelings.” Introspection provides you the opportunity to really get to know you. Do…