11 Lessons from Yesterday by Margo Woodward
Life,  Margo

11 Lessons from Yesterday

Some days are filled with lessons and opportunities, and yesterday was one of those days for me.  Before I let go and move on, let me share 11 lessons from yesterday:

11 Lessons from Yesterday

1. STOP NEGATIVE ASSUMPTIONS.  Don’t immediately jump to assuming negatively when dealing with situations and people.  Slow down and trust.

2. BE KIND.  Simple, but huge and often overlooked.  Just be kind.

3. LISTEN TO OTHERS.  Trust the people that God has placed in your life.  Talk to them about what’s on your heart and listen to them.  Really listen.

4. WALK IN LOVE.  No matter how you’re feeling, push those feelings to the side and walk in love.  Less of us, more of Him.

5. BE SPIRIT-LED.  Let the Spirit of God lead you to do everything.  Some things may appear good but it’s not what God would have you to do.  Follow the leading of God and lean not to your own understanding.

6. IT’S A PROCESS.  Everything is a process!  You can’t change in a day and you can’t clean up everything in your life in a day.  Do what you can.  This leads me to my next point…

7. BE EASY ON YOURSELF.  Don’t expect perfection and don’t dwell on your shortcomings.   Yesterday I told my husband I know I’m not where I need to be, but thank God I’m not where I used to be!  If I take just a second to look back on my old self I’m grateful for today’s mess ups.

8. DON’T OVERTHINK.  Everything doesn’t call for a philosophical debate questioning if people are saved or not!  Oh help me, Lord.  Stop overthinking, Margo.  

9. JUST TAKE IT.  Some things you just need to take.  Sometimes you will give what you don’t owe.  Sometimes you will have to do what you feel you shouldn’t have to do.  Struggling with this one?  Look at Jesus’s life.  

10. EMBRACE YOUR STRUGGLES.  So often we want to run from our uncomfortable situations without taking the time to consider why we’re in this particular struggle to begin with.  Why are you there?  What do you need to learn from it?  Keep the right attitude toward your struggles.  Yesterday I thought about how some people stay in their struggles because they aren’t learning and changing.  Embrace your struggle, learn from it, and then move on to the next one.  Yes, the next struggle.

11. BE REAL!  Stop faking, wearing masks, trying to pretend that everything is always okay.  You’re not always good.  I’m learning not to suppress my feelings.  No, I’m not encouraging you to tell everything to everybody; but I am encouraging you to be real.  Instead of saying I’m great when you’re really dealing with something try I’m dealing with some things but I know it’s all going to work out.  Let others know it’s ok to be real.  Everything is not always great- for any of us.

As I’ve shared 11 lessons from yesterday, I pray that you’ve been inspired.  No day is perfect, but each day is filled with opportunities to learn and grow.


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