Yesterday I started the book “Killing Jesus” by Bill O’Reilly & Martin Dugard. Reading this book has me noticing a trend- friends kill friends. The book is detailing the shocking events that lead up to the crucifixion of Jesus. It also goes into detail on other legendary figures of this time period, including Julius Caesar. I love history books because people are people, and although times are much different now, people tend to remain the same. Desires, actions, and motives repeat themselves throughout history. Let me tell you about the trend I’m noticing… In case you’re not familiar with the deaths of Caesar and Jesus, they were both plotted against…
I’m Back From a 21 Day Break
It feels good to be back from my 21 day break, though I must admit that the break felt good. We don’t realize how weighed down we are until we let some things go and clear our space. For the past 21 days I have let go of the ‘world’ in a sense, only participating in what’s necessary: work, school, church, parenting, etc. My phone time was limited and then I completely cut out Facebook. I feel good. I think we’d all be surprised at how much energy we give to things that truly don’t matter. Simply put: we waste a lot of time doing nothing. We can all benefit…
Where have I been??? Let me explain…
Where have I been??? Let me explain.. I’m taking some time to slow down, and even stop doing some things. I want to start the New Year doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing. I want to be in align with my source- God. I’m starting to learn that the more I slow down and let Him lead me the more effective I am. This year I want to be effective in everything I do- including writing for my site. I want to ensure that I’m in tune with my Creator and my purpose. I want to write what I’m supposed to write, not what will give me the…
What is your personality type? Learn it & manage it.
It’s amazing how even as Christians our personalities can be an obstacle. We pray to be Spirit-led, but our personalities oppose that. Understanding our personality type plays a huge role in walking like Christ. This morning I woke up thinking about how I’ve recently handled a situation. A particular book came to mind that a church sister gave to me. It’s titled: “The Spirit-Controlled Woman” by Beverly LaHaye. An AMAZING read! It focuses on the different personality types and how they contribute to or undermine us being Spirit-led. I grabbed it off my book shelf and spent some time reading it this morning. My personality type is a choleric. I love…
Are you carrying your hurts with you? 10 Things A Woman Must Do!
Women face various trials in life. Hurts are inevitable, but how we handle them makes all the difference. Don’t carry your hurts with you, sister. Read this list for 10 things a woman must do. 10 Things A Woman Must Do: 1. Always be able to love, but always be able to walk away until she is married. 2. Always listen, always forgive, always express herself. 3. Always stay loyal, stay honest, so she can walk away clean. 4. Always put God first, love herself, love her kids, then a man. 5. Always stick to her values, doing what’s right, even when a man encourages wrong. 6. Always know her…
SOUL TIES: Are you still tied to your past? “The Ties That Bind” is a Must-Read.
I just finished “The Ties That Bind” by Brian Holmes today and it was a very necessary read for me. It focuses on soul ties and honestly it was not a very easy read! Some books are easygoing and fun, while others go a little deep. This book definitely goes deep- pulling things to the surface, forcing you to face them. The book focuses on soul ties and how significantly they affect our lives. According to the book: “Soul ties are formed through relationships, connections, and covenants we make throughout the course of life. These ‘connections’ tie us to people, places, churches, and other entities, and they can dramatically affect…
Life Changes: Expect it. Don’t Let it Break You.
Sometimes we all hear things that hurt us. Things we thought we’d never, ever hear. Let me share something with you: Life changes. Expect it. Life changes, people change, hearts change, and the words they speak change. Don’t be surprised when the way they treat you changes, it’s a part of life. Everything changes. Interests change, motives change, expectations change. Just because they used to do that, don’t always expect it. Expectations change. Situations, priorities, responsibilities change. Just because you were a top priority before does not mean you will always be. Priorities change. Thoughts change, cares change, love changes, life changes. Just because they cared before does not mean…
Dealing with the issues of the heart: Do you have an unhealthy heart?
At some point or another we’ve all had an unhealthy heart. Whether it was unforgiveness, anger, jealousy, or some other heart issue. Our life is a reflection of our heart, so it is very important that we deal with the root issues that may be affecting our hearts. Sometimes we don’t realize the long reach that they have. An unhealthy heart will prevent us from having healthy, strong relationships. It is imperative for us to deal with the issues of our heart. 7 symptoms of an unhealthy heart: Competing with others, not just living your life and doing what you feel is best for you. Being overly concerned with the…
This is a question I believe we should all ask ourselves. Ask yourself: What do I want to be known for? The answer to this question will reveal where we currently are in life, and it will assist us in making the necessary changes to get where we want to be in life. I just asked myself this question and immediately 2 things came to mind: 1- Faith. I want to be known for my great faith. Great faith in God because I have grown to understand that he is the key to everything I need and everything I want to be. Faith in people, because I believe that we can…
10 Thoughts about “Mom & Me & Mom” by Maya Angelou
I finished “Mom & Me & Mom” by Maya Angelou yesterday and I woke up thinking about it again today! A testament to how great it is! 10 Thoughts about “Mom & Me & Mom”: 1. A mother’s love is able to cover her faults and shortcomings. 2. Mothers must admit when they are wrong and ask for forgiveness from their child, just as they would in any relationship. 4. A mother helps shape who her daughter is and who she’ll turn out to be. She receives a part of her identity from her mother. Maya said: “I can hardly distinguish where she stops and I begin.” 3. A…