Life,  Women

Life Changes: Expect it. Don’t Let it Break You.

Sometimes we all hear things that hurt us.  Things we thought we’d never, ever hear.  Let me share something with you: Life changes.  Expect it.

Life changes, people change, hearts change, and the words they speak change.

Don’t be surprised when the way they treat you changes, it’s a part of life.

Everything changes.  Interests change, motives change, expectations change.

Just because they used to do that, don’t always expect it.  Expectations change.

Situations, priorities, responsibilities change.  Just because you were a top priority before does not mean you will always be.  Priorities change.

Thoughts change, cares change, love changes, life changes.  Just because they cared before does not mean they will always care.  Cares change.

Expect change, embrace it.  It will come regardless.  Don’t let any change break you.  Just get ready for change.  Life changes.

This change won’t break you, neither will the next one.  Remember: Life changes.  Expect it.

3 Ways to Respond to Change:

  1. Reflect.  Take a moment to really reflect on the change.  What exactly changed?  Are you over-reacting?  Get specific on the change.  Reflect on it to gain clarity.
  2. Resist reacting.  Sometimes we move too quickly when faced with change.  We often want a quick-fix or we’d prefer to quickly go back to the way things were.  Avoid these quick reactions.  Take a little time before addressing the change.
  3. Respond.  After reflecting and avoiding a quick reaction, respond to the change.  Maybe you will realize the though it hurt, the change was for your good.  Change is very uncomfortable, but remember nothing changes until something changes.  Be honest: Was the change beneficial?

Many times, our life changes are actually pushing us closer to where we really need to be.  Some changes don’t require us to do anything, sometimes we can just let it be.  Whatever you do, don’t you dare let it break you.

With love,

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