Do you live with the mindset that accepts that attacks are inevitable? So often, that is our issue. We don’t anticipate attacks, therefore, when they come they completely throw us off. God’s Word allows us to understand that we will be attacked. His Word also provides us everything we need to overcome. Read for 5 tips on how to press through attacks. 1. Anticipate attacks. Adjust your mindset and accept that attacks are inevitable. As you read God’s Word, you will quickly see that God’s children face attacks. The moment you become apart of God’s family, you have entered into a spiritual war. Don’t take it personal and wonder why…
Fight Off Negativity
Negativity is a thief. It can be subtle, masking itself under various issues and feelings, which makes it hard to detect. Negativity affects our thinking, our emotions, our moods, attitudes, and ultimately our actions. Though we may not always realize it, negativity is at the root of many of our issues. We must pray for God to show us how we’re affected by it and depend on Him to fight off negativity. Not only does negativity affect what we’re thinking about, but it also affects how we think. Do you realize that you have thought patterns, which are essentially routes that your brain takes when thinking? Which highway do your…
Taking Care of Home: 5 Categories
As women, wives, and mothers, one of our major responsibilities is taking care of home. It is one that challenges women in various ways. Though I won’t say that taking care of home is a piece of cake, I will say that it doesn’t have to be complex. Though there are many things that have to be done, they all fall into just a few categories. Consider these 5 categories as a way to stay on top of your business at home. Taking Care of Home: 5 Categories Though everyone’s situation may vary slightly, here are 5 categories that you can consider: Spiritual Cleaning Organizing Business Quality Time Relying on…
Happy 37th Birthday: Top 7 Lessons I’m Learning
I turned 37 on July 30th, and I feel new. This summer has been one of much growth and on my birthday, God truly stamped a few lessons. #1? I am not in control. Though I didn’t make huge plans for my birthday, I did want to do a few things, and you know what? Nothing went according to plan. It was all good, though, as I was able to see the lessons in it for me. As I’ve entered into a new year of life, I am thankful to be able to see what God is teaching me. So in this Happy 37th Birthday post, I’m going to share…
Obedience Pays Off
How do you feel about the word obedience? Many of our initial feelings may include: restraint, control, or even weakness. Due to the negative emotions that we’ve attached to obedience, it’s no surprise that we tend to rebel. As Christians, however, we must adjust our mindset toward obedience and realize that obedience pays off. Obedience requires sacrifice. In order to obey God, you must sacrifice something. Most of the time this something is our own will. Fighting and resisting our own will is likely one of the toughest battles we face. It can be hard to yield to another, and not do what you want. In order to do this,…
ANGER MANAGEMENT 101: Calm is the Goal
Anger is an issue that many of us deal with today. I say us, as God has brought me a mighty long way as it relates to the emotion of anger, and He continues to provide insight. In this post ANGER MANAGEMENT 101, I’m going to propose that calm is the goal. If you have an anger issue, the first thing you have to understand is that calm is the goal. Anger is destructive, dangerous, and flat-out unproductive. So, in order to grow in managing anger, you must first see it for what it is. Consider this: How are you when you are angry? Really take the time to answer…
The Blessing of Balanced Days
I know the hustle-hustle, laser-focused mentality is running rampant nowadays; but I’m a proponent of having balanced days. Balanced days where the various aspects of our life are tended to, as opposed to neglecting some while laser-focusing on one or others. I do understand that there will be times when we are pressed to work or meet a deadline. I’m not referring to those situations, I’m encouraging us to focus on living balanced days as the norm. The blessing of balanced days is that we’re able to work on and enjoy the various aspects of our life. Not only will we reap the benefits of focusing on the various aspects…
MARRIAGE & FAMILY: Taking Care of Home
As women, we have various obligations and responsibilities. In the course of a day, we are pulled in many different directions, wearing many different hats. One thing we must never forget is that as a wife & mom, we must prioritize taking care of home. When you consider taking care of home, what comes to your mind? Our situations and seasons may vary, but most women would think of things like: Cooking Cleaning Organizing Planning Orchestrating No doubt, these are definitely aspects of taking care of home, but let me propose a few others: Loving Teaching Forgiving Creating Growing The role of a woman in the home is huge, and…
Priorities & Prayer
If we are to live the lives that God has called us to live, we must stay mindful of 2 words: priorities & prayer. How we use our time should reflect our priorities, and in order to live according to our priorities, we must stay diligent in prayer. Priorities & Prayer This summer, God has really been dealing with me on priorities. My priorities are as follows: God Self-Care Marriage Daughters The Family Unit Work Serving Relationships How we spend our time should reflect the ranking of our priorities. For instance, with God being my #1, I have to give Him the first of my time. When I start my…
The Importance of Habits
What habits do you have in place? A lack of habits leads to a waste of time. If we are to maximize our time and use it in the best way possible, we must begin to see the importance of habits. I admit that the younger me did not like habits. I used to feel that they made life boring, but oh how my attitude has changed. I’ve grown to understand their importance in my life. Habits save time. Habits save time because they limit the number of things you have to think about in a day. Every day will present us with many decisions to make. Some situations we…