Yesterday, 5.1.20, we celebrated 5 years of marriage. We are 5 years in. 5 years strong. I don’t say that in vain, but I can say it to be true. At 5 years, we are stronger in our marriage than we’ve ever been before.
5 Years In. 5 Years Strong. How did we get here?
I take not the glory for myself. Nor, will I discuss what we’ve done. Truly, to God alone be all the glory. He chose us for one another, He reigns in our hearts and in our marriage, and His power has kept us together through it all.
Our role is simply to submit. We submit to God, His Word, and His will. We trust Him with everything. We have no agenda of our own. When we do have desires or goals, we take it to Him in prayer and close it out with:
Thy will be done.
It’s His will that will work. Only His will will last.
How were we able to make the 5 year mark of marriage?
Because it was His will.
One thing I’ve been able to experience is that nothing can stand against the plans of the Lord. One of the mistakes that we make in life and in marriage is seeking approval. We desire everyone to get it, to accept us, and our marriage. That is a mistake and one that will lead you down a path of chaos and confusion. Make no mistake about it: When the Lord is on your side, you have everything that you need.
“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
– Romans 8:31
Marriage is about faith. That should be no surprise because marriage is of God and God is about faith. He is the author and perfector of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), and He certainly uses marriage to strengthen and develop our faith.
I’m humbled because as I sit and write to commemorate our 5 years of marriage, I know we didn’t get here because of me. I’m not the one holding it together, nor is my husband.
How have we made it to 5 years of marriage?
Christ is the reason that we haven’t been broken. He’s holding us together.
He is not only holding us together but He is molding us together. We are tighter than we’ve ever been. Life is a process. Marriage is a process. As we celebrate 5 years of marriage, I can truly and humbly say that in my husband I have a forever friend.
With love,

Click here to read: MARRIAGE: What I’ve Learned in 4 Years + 1 Day
Click here to read: As I Reflect on 3 Years of Marriage
Click here to read: What I’ve Learned from 2 Years of Marriage
Click here to read: 1 Day Shy of 1 Year of Marriage: What I’ve Learned
If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it a hundred times, time waits for no one! Five years! It passes fast when you’re having fun AND it passes beautifully when God is IN the center.
On another note — a question (for anybody) — what has the quarantine, stay-home, this whole Covid-19 episode taught you? What is it teaching you? I thought about my extended family — my church family and my blood family. I don’t get to see them, not able to look forward to my family reunion. And, I was hoping to travel to California to spend time with my sonand his family and my 2 great-grandsons. And just like a light-bulb going off in my head — I’m concerned about the future when I NEED and SHOULD take ONE DAY AT A TIME.
You are so right. The time has truly flown! We are so grateful to have made it to 5.
With regards to lessons from the current season, I’m extremely thankful for the slower pace of life. We are truly learning to enjoy the simple things. Relationships are much more important, especially those within the household. I’m grateful for all that God is doing in this season! Truly, He has individual lessons for us all.