1 Day Shy of 1 Year of Marriage

1 Day Shy of 1 Year of Marriage: What I’ve Learned

Tomorrow will mark our 1 year marriage anniversary.  This is such a big deal and I’m truly in awe that it has been a year already.  All glory to God for getting us this far!  As I sit to write I don’t already have plans about what to write, I just know that this is something worth writing about.  

Last night at dinner I looked at Wes and told him I can’t imagine how much I will love him when I’m 50.  As I reflect over our year, my love for him has grown tremendously.  Marriage has a way of bringing out your good and your bad.  It’s humbling to be loved despite all of your faults, just as it’s equally humbling to love your mate despite all of their faults.  Through it all, I can honestly say that I love what my husband is made of.  

When I was younger, material things held a high priority.  I’ve now learned that in a marriage, material things don’t matter much.  There are so many more important things that money really doesn’t compare to.  Character trumps it all.  The heart of a man is what matters when considering your lifetime mate.

1 Day Shy of 1 Year of Marriage: What I’ve Learned?

4 words come to mind: Growth, intention, change, communication.

1. Growth. Marriage forces you to grow!  Marriage forces you to see you.  Compromise is also key in marriage.  These things aren’t always easy, but it is so worth it.  I can honestly say that both of us have grown in so many ways within this 1st year.  Remaining anchored in Christ is essential.  It makes such a huge difference when both parties and committed to following Christ.  This allows Him to work in each heart and do what only He can do.

2. Intention.  Another big one!  This is the wrong way to think: “This is just who I am.” Noooooo!  In marriage we have to be intentional.  We have to be intentional about how we think and how we speak to our spouses.  We have to be intentional about considering their perspective.  If you don’t, you will think that you are always right, and that couldn’t be more wrong.

3. Change.  Change occurs within you and in your life.  When you get married, not everyone will celebrate your marriage.  That’s okay, but it will certainly change your relationships.  You will change how you spend your time and who you spend it with.  Your values will change and that drives change.  No matter what changes, don’t get bitter or fight the process.  Instead, trust the process.  Fully deal with any hurt and stay committed to loving- despite any changes that come your way. 

4. Communication. What we say and how we say it is huge.  We have to be intentional in our communication.  Both spouses should feel heard and understood.  You may not always agree, and that is okay, but you should at least respect each other enough to hear their perspective.  Throughout our year, this is one of the biggest areas that we have grown in and I’m so grateful.  We are able to talk about anything within our marriage.  If you are married, your spouse should be your next line of communication after the Lord.  No one should interfere or take priority above your spouse.  

Thank you for reading what I’ve learned at 1 day shy of 1 year of marriage!  Thank you Lord for allowing us to make it through 1 year of marriage!

Wrote with sincerity & love,

Margo Woodward blog signature

Read 3 DAYS OF MARRIAGE: I’m About To Cry

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