Living is all about growing. Growth, however, requires change. This often poses as the challenge for most. Changing. We must adjust the way that we look at change and realize that if we are to grow and be all that God has called us to be, we must change. Let’s discuss the process of changing.
Change requires growth and growth requires change. We must start by adjusting how we view these two terms. As we do, our mindset will be in a position to cooperate with growth and change, as opposed to rejecting it. Mindset is key. If you are to engage in the process of changing, you must get your mind right.
Mindset is key.
After adjusting your state of mind regarding change, here are 3 steps to consider as it relates to the process of changing:
- Recognize your imperfections.
- Reflect and pray.
- Commit to growth.
1. Recognize your imperfections.
Recognizing where you’re currently at is the key to growth in any area. For instance, if someone is focused on growing in their health, they must be honest about where they currently are as well as the habits that got them there. Then, they are in a position to focus in on the specific areas and habits that they must change.
This realization must occur if any type of positive change is to occur. Quite honestly, this is potentially the hardest step because it doesn’t feel good to come clean about one’s weaknesses. We like to feel good, not bad about ourselves. Considering this, it’s easy to see how we self-sabotage ourselves as we do all that we can to cover up and even aim to feel good. Even while doing wrong. This is not right.
If you are to grow, you must recognize your imperfections. See them for what they are. Be honest about the impact that they have on your life and the people in it. Yes, this may hurt. Change hurts. Don’t avoid the discomfort. Know that it’s necessary in order to do better.
The process of changing may be painful.
When it does get uncomfortable and painful, remind yourself that it is necessary. It’s apart of the process.
2. Reflect and pray.
This is another crucial step. Once you are aware of your shortcomings, you must take the time to deal with them. Why are you falling short in this area? What is the root issue? When do you tend to fall short in this way?
These are key questions to ask yourself as it helps you to better understand yourself. Understanding yourself and why you do what you do is imperative because it enables you to do better gong forward.
One thing that helps me with this is focusing in on my heart. Mark 7:15 tells us:
“It’s not what goes into your body that defiles you; you are defiled by what comes from your heart.”
Proverbs 4:23 states:
“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”
If we are to grow and change, we must deal with the issues of our heart. There’s no getting around it. Reflecting and praying are key in this step of the process as they both position us to see and deal with the truth. Prayer is essential as we depend on God for help in the process. Only He can grant us the humility to accept and acknowledge the truth about ourselves. Reflecting allows us to walk through and understand why we do what we do, so that we can position ourselves to do better in the future!
3. Commit to growth.
The process of changing is a life-long process. As long as we’re living, we’ll be learning and growing. True living is not about remaining stagnant. We should be maturing and developing more and more as we follow Christ. I love Philippians 1:6 which tells us that God will be working on us until Christ returns. This should provide some encouragement. God knows how much work is required in us and on us. It’s us, due to pride, who seem so caught off guard by the growth process.
Following Christ is about growing.
We mustn’t ever feel like we’ve arrived, or we’re good, or that we’re above certain struggles. We’re not. We are wrapped in sinful flesh that we’ll be batting with until we enter into His perfect presence. While we’re here, we do have the presence of the Holy Spirit within us which provides us with everything we need to walk like Christ and continue to be conformed into His image.
The key for us is to remain committed to His growth process within us. As we do, we’ll be surprised at how His power changes us.
With love,

Read INTROSPECTION: Why It’s Necessary