
WORK: Excel In Any Environment

Do you know that you have the ability to excel in any work environment? So often, instead of rising to the occasion at work, we lay down and allow various work challenges & situations to dominate us.

WORK: Excel In Any Environment

The first key to excelling at work is to deal with you. Let me repeat:

Deal with you.

Challenges at work, just like challenges in any area of life, are simply revealing the true you. Challenges show us where we’re at. The key to excelling is to face what we’re shown, work on it, and get better at it. Lately, a saying that’s been on my heart is to get stronger than whatever we’re facing.

Do you know that you can overcome any challenge that you face?

Your answer to this question will reveal your current state of mind. If you constantly think negatively regarding your abilities, you will likely feel as though you can do nothing regarding your circumstances. And this is just not true.

You may not be able to change the situation or the people that are making your job more difficult than necessary, but you can change you. Change the way you look at the situation, change the way you’re thinking about it, and change the way you’re responding to it.

Whatever it is, get stronger than it.

Secondly, get specific.

When dealing with challenges at work, it’s easy to group things together and make a bigger mess of things. Even as you begin to view the situation differently, slow down to really begin to identify the challenge. What exactly is challenging you? What’s really going on? Why is it hard for you?

Getting specific with what you’re facing will allow you to get specific with what you can do.

This will also help you to detach from the situation and begin to view it from another lens outside of your emotions. Work to put your emotions to the side and view things as rationally and as objectively as you possibly can. Talking with someone you trust can help with this step.

Lastly, focus on growth.

Once you put effort into dealing with you and getting specific, now is the time to focus on growth. Consider the challenge as an opportunity to grow. Though the work environment may not be ideal, remember that you do have the ability to excel there.

How may God be using this position to prepare you for the next one?

No season or position in our lives is free from challenges, and we certainly don’t want to have the mindset that expects everything to always go our way. #Spoiled. We must understand that challenges is where growth occurs, and challenges also ignite our faith. Think about it. When do you tend to pull closest to God?

Nothing in our lives is without purpose and God uses all things for our good [Genesis 50:20, Romans 8:28]. Don’t let your work environment get you down. You rise up and be stronger. Don’t get bitter, get better. Let others see the love and strength of Christ operating in you. Remember, light shines brightest in the dark.

“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”

– John 1:5

You can excel in any environment.

With love & understanding,

Margo Woodward blog signature

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