What is the key to success? by Margo Woodward
Life,  Money

The Key to Success? A Strong, Spiritual Foundation

What do you feel the key to success is? What do you rely on, above all, to be successful? If you ask me: What is the key to success? I’d have to reply, with no hesitancy: A strong, spiritual foundation.

This world that we live in throws out countless ways to succeed. Browse articles online or books in a bookstore, and there is no shortage of “10 Steps to Success” style books. The thing is:

Everyone wants to succeed, yet, very few figure out how.

Now, I don’t plan to present you with another to-do list. My aim is to get you to realize the importance of a strong, spiritual foundation.

The Key to Success? A Strong, Spiritual Foundation

The foundation of any structure is key. The foundation supports everything else. A weak foundation will fail to support any substantial building.

What is your foundation?

Without a proper foundation, you are without proper grounding in this world. Do you realize that daily we are presented with various theories, methods, and philosophies about succeeding in life? Some shout “Try this!”, while others convincingly persuade people down a path that is not the path that God has for them.

What do you rely on when making decisions? What guides you?

Some rely on emotions, others rely on the opinions of others, and many are driven my money and fame. In order to really assess what’s driving you, you must be honest about these questions.

There are a few lessons that I’m currently learning about succeeding in life:

The Word of God must be our foundation.

God’s Word covers everything about life. Some look at the Bible as outdated or irrelevant, but I strongly disagree. Daily, when I pick it up, I’m confronted with God’s way of doing things vs. the world’s way of doing things.

If we’re not careful, even as Christians, we’ll consider the world’s way the only way to success. This is not true. God has a way. He offers us “good success“- the success that He provides without adding any sorrow with it. This the kind of success that I want.

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”

– Joshua 1:8

Secondly, I’m finding that God is much more concerned with our heart than we tend to be.

Naturally, we’re quite selfish. We want what we want, when we want it, how we want it. It takes maturity to ask yourself: Can I really handle all that I’m asking for? Am I really ready?

It’s so easy to only focus on what we desire out of our success, without fully realizing all that our success will require of us. To whom much is given, much is required. The more you gain, the more you must grow in managing it all. Managing our blessings take time!

Keeping our heart right will allow us to handle our success the right way. Our hearts must be right to continue to treat people right. Our hearts must be right to glorify God as He is the One who allows us to reach certain levels of success (Deuteronomy 8:18). Are you able to open your mouth and say?

To God be the glory for all that He has done for me.”

Lastly, success is a process.

It is a journey throughout life, not a final destination. We tend to visualize a particular scene in our mind as success, which causes us to overlook the many successes that God has already allowed us to experience. If we aren’t in the proper head and heart space then we will unknowingly walk around discontent and ungrateful- despite all that God has done for us thus far in life.

We must keep the proper perspective as it relates to life and success. Success is about so much more than money. Success is about having proper priorities in life- staring with God as #1. Not just saying it but truly living it. Success is about genuinely and humbly loving others. Success is about seeing ourselves in the proper perspective.

We must grow to realize that the key to success is a strong, spiritual foundation. Without that, the success won’t be fulfilling or lasting.

With love & sincerity,

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