Though at times it can be difficult to pray because we like to do things our own way, it can be even more difficult to wait after praying. We must learn to pray & wait.
Praying is humbling in itself. It acknowledges the fact that we can’t do it on our own. When we pray, we are essentially saying: I need help. I’m incapable of handling this on my own. I’m in need.
Oh how hard it can be to admit that we need help.
As hard as praying and asking can be, it can be even more difficult to wait. Waiting requires patience, and in our society we have grown so much to convenience and immediacy. We want it right now. We go through drive-thrus for meals, we make purchases with the click of a mouse, shoot we even order our groceries online!
Who wants to wait?
As much as we despise it, waiting is so important. It’s essential for us to learn how to wait. We must learn how to pray & wait. We should aim to wait patiently, being content right here & right now while we wait for God to answer our prayers.
The key to waiting patiently is contentment.
“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”
– Philippians 4:11
When we learn how to be content, we learn how to be thankful for all that God has already done. Contentment allows us to look around right now and see that He has already done so much for us. When we take a moment to gain proper perspective, we can genuinely and humbly say that if He doesn’t grant this request He has already done enough.
He has already granted me desires beyond what I really deserved. He has already granted me so much mercy by not giving me what I truly did deserve. He has already done so much.
Gaining proper perspective equips us to truly pray & wait. We must realize that He knows best, that He has our best interest at heart, and He knows what we need and when we need it.
We must learn to pray & wait.
When we learn how to be content, when we gain proper perspective, and when we grow in gratitude we can truly pray & wait- expecting God’s best for our lives.

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