Life does not always go as planned. Days do not often go as planned. For that reason, it is imperative that we learn how to handle unexpected last minute changes. How do you tend to handle unexpected last minute changes? Or, plans not going through? Our reactions show the state of our heart. Since we know that life happens, we must change how we respond when it does.
How To Handle Unexpected Last Minute Changes
Once we focus on and grow in this area, we will be much more efficient in navigating through situations outside of our control. This topic truly is a result of my past 2 weekends, which have really required me to adjust. Adjust. My. Plans.
Whew! Let me tell you, it is nothing but the Holy Spirit inside of me that would allow me to even have that realization, let alone walk in it! My natural personality is very linear and inflexible. God has worked tremendously, and continues His work of making me more humble and flexible.
You know what this requires?
Giving up control.
That is often a root issue that causes us problems as it relates to making adjustments. Especially, unexpected ones. It is important for us to spend quiet time with God so He can show us why we do what we do.
The scripture passage Matthew 9:18-22 is one that has blessed and changed me in a major way. Read it for yourself real quick. I remember reading this years ago and being in awe at how He just stopped and attended to her needs. He was already heading to a life or death situation, yet He still made time for an issue that presented itself.
Flexibility is key when responding to unexpected situations. Also: care, patience, and compassion. Basically, we must get over ourselves and our plans. We must consider the needs of others and put them before the needs of our own.
One way to grow in this area is to read the Gospels. Read it for the purpose of studying Jesus. How did He walk, How did He interact with people, How did He work? I think we’ll be amazed and enlightened as we get to know Him for who He was. So often, we overly focus on what He did, but I encourage you to get to know who He was.
His character was amazing. Yes, we know He was perfect, but it’s truly something to see how that perfection looks when dealing with others.
Jesus is truly the way, the truth, and the life [John 14:6].
I pray that you prioritize Christ, follow Him, and allow Him to show you how to navigate the unexpected last minute changes in your life and in your days.
With love,

Read INTROSPECTION: Why It’s Necessary