It’s so easy to look at our current, imperfect state and think this is as good as it gets. We’re discouraged when we fail to see beauty.
There are times when weaknesses seem to overshadow strengths and blemishes cover up beauty, leaving us feeling discontent with what we see in ourselves. We eagerly run to quick-fixes, attempting to cover up and conceal our blemishes. Instead, we should look within, focusing on our inside, which will inevitably brighten and beautify our outside.
Every human being is flawed and far from perfect, yet there are things we can do to grow into the beautiful creatures that God designed us to be. We don’t tend to associate beauty with growing, but we should. As we commit ourselves to God and His way, He has a way of brightening our countenance.
Consider the example of Moses. His face shined so brightly after being in the presence of God that the people were afraid to come near him! See Exodus 34:29-35.
The world we live in and situations we’ve encountered have altered our original state and many of us are very far from who we were created to be. We don’t see beauty when we see ourselves. Life can take us far away from ourselves.
The blessing is we don’t have to stay in our current position.
We have the ability to learn, grow, reflect, develop, and mature. We can change. Each day provides a new opportunity to get closer to your ‘true’ self, exposing your inner beauty.
I encourage you to take some time today to get quiet, enjoy yourself, write, read, reflect. Look within. Remember that as you cultivate beauty on the inside it will inevitably display on the outside.
We all have more beauty in us than we realize. We just need to discover it.