As you go about your day-to-day activities, what are you focused on? Do you live from an overwhelmed, make-it-by attitude; or do you live fulfilled, productive, and purpose driven? Though we all have routine obligations and responsibilities, I encourage you to focus on purpose.
What do I mean by focus on purpose?
Focus on your purpose for doing your particular things.
This requires a mental shift from the what to the why. Ask yourself: “Why am I doing this?” This will enable you to function from a place of purpose, not a place of stress. This can be helpful when applied at home with family, or even at work on goals and projects.
As we are going into a new year, it is the perfect time to assess your activities to ensure they are in alignment with your purpose and ultimate desires. For instance, God brought to my attention that the content that I’ve been sharing on social media lately has not been been focused on my purpose.
It was drifting toward general inspirational content that anyone could benefit from. My purpose, however, is not to inspire everyone. My particular purpose is to:
Inspire women to follow Christ and be all that He created them to be.
Do you know your life’s purpose? Why are you here? What did God gift you to do? What good works did He create you for?
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”
– Ephesians 2:10
God has plans for each of us. We are created in Christ for good works. Works that God planned long ago. Our role is to simply walk in them.
As children of God, we don’t create our purpose. We simply seek Him to discover it, and then walk in it. Simply put, but difficult to execute. Why?
Our own will. The way of the world. Attacks of the wicked one.
We must know that we have an enemy who constantly seeks to steal, kill, and destroy us. That’s not all though. The same verse also assures us that Christ came that we might have life, and life more abundantly! [John 10:10]
This is good news!
Wherever you may find yourself as it relates to walking in purpose, now is the time to seek God for your purpose & then live in a way to focus on purpose. This allows you to do what God has called you to do, while leaving the results in His hand.
In Matthew 6:32, Jesus tells us that unbelievers run after all the things. We, however, as His children, are commanded to seek Him above all things, and He will add all the things unto us [v. 33].
So, as we are approaching 2023, make this your year of purpose. Do what you were created to do. Focus on purpose and allow God to do what only He can do.
With love,