There are some things that I’m able to learn and apply somewhat quickly as I follow Christ, but then there are other things that really take time. What do you do when you seem to keep running into the same issues over and over? Keep at it. I love the Lord for many, many reasons- one of them being His ability to understand. He is so patient, so gracious, so understanding. Yes, He does judge our actions, convict us, and discipline us; but He walks us through a process- not expecting perfection from us overnight. God understands why we do what we do. I love the Lord because He is…
Stand Up & Take Control
There are so many things in life that will push us around if we don’t stand up & take control. Our flesh will push us to do what we want to do, fulfilling our own selfish desires, doing what is contrary to the will of God. Other people will push us around, pushing us to please them and keep them happy- allowing them to have a level of control over us. The cares of this world try to push us around, pushing us to constantly gain this, achieve that- controlling our emotions, energy, and our time. There comes a time when we have to stand up & take control.…
How’s Your Year Going So Far? 3 Tips to Keep Moving Forward.
We’ve entered a new year and time is quickly passing us by. How’s your year going so far? Do you still have the excitement that you had on January 1st? Are you still focused? Surely, we’ve all had things thrown our way that we hadn’t expected- some good, some bad. The daily distractions and responsibilities of life seem to overwhelm us and take all the energy that we have. How do we handle daily life, yet still stay focused on our goals and dreams? Here are 3 Tips to Keep Moving Forward: 1. Create a theme for the year. Pray and think about what you really need to focus on.…
Jesus Is Compassionate. Are You?
As the Lord is growing me in grace, He is showing me how grace and compassion are intertwined. Jesus is compassionate. Are you? Christ has been so gracious toward us, but we are often so hard on others. We must extend compassion to others, just as Jesus has extended compassion to us. We are only able to extend grace to others when we are compassionate toward them and their situation. So often, instead of being compassionate, we criticize. We have gotten so hard that instead of empathizing, we simply judge. We talk about why people got themselves into situations instead of praying for them, helping when we can. Jesus is…
Why do you do the things you do?
Why do you do the things you do? If we’re honest, we’ll find that we do many things for the wrong reasons. We must constantly check our own hearts to assess the motives behind our actions. Naturally, we are selfish creatures. We have to be taught to share, to care, and to love. We don’t have to be taught to go after what we want, to think about our own desires, to take care of ourselves. Naturally, we will think about ourselves. Consider any 2 year old: Mine! No! I want that! They may be more dramatic than us as adults, but honestly we are just as selfish. It’s imperative…
What Sin is in Your Heart?
Are you focused on conquering the sin in your life? What sin is in your heart? It’s so easy to focus on everything and everyone else, overlooking the fact that we have an issue with sin in our own hearts. Most of the problems that we have can be traced back to sin. The apostle Paul wrote the book of Philippians from prison, but he still wrote with joy and contentment: “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” – Philippians 4:11 This demonstrates that it’s not about our circumstances, but rather what’s in our heart. Circumstances…
No Doubt. Only Faith.
Have you ever wanted something or even prayed for something, but then just as quickly doubted? Thoughts like: Well it may not happen or that’s probably too much creep into our heads and prevent us from fully believing. We must believe without a doubt. No Doubt. Only Faith. Doubt is a form of fear and we must put a stop to it. We must spot it first because it tries to be oh so sneaky. When I read of those that were healed by Jesus it was always about their faith. One thing that seemed to consistently irritate Jesus was a lack of faith- Doubt, unbelief, fear. They all prevent…
You Can Handle It
We all look at our plate sometimes and wonder: Can I handle it? We ask ourselves: Can I do this? Let me encourage you today: You can handle it. We serve a God that will never give us more than we can bear. His Word tell us that He will never allow us to be tempted beyond what we can handle. There is always a way out (I Corinthians 10:13). You can handle it. There is always a way to push through. There is always an open door. There is always a way. You just have to open your eyes to see it.One way to see it is to remain positive. Negativity…
It Is What It Is
Have you ever found yourself in a situation or dealing with someone and you find yourself questioning what it is? You feel a certain way, but you’re not sure if you’re right. You think you see something within them, but you won’t let yourself believe it. It’s easy to make excuses, justify, or reason why it couldn’t be what it feels like it is. Well, I’m coming to understand that most of the time: It is what it is. We have a hard time accepting the things that we see in people that differ from us. For instance, it can be hard to believe that someone could take advantage of…
Don’t Be Petty: Stay Focused
We’re too easily distracted by issues that don’t even matter. We have to grow to a place of realizing that some things are just not that important. Don’t be petty. Use your energy wisely, focusing on issues that really do matter. If we don’t grow beyond focusing on petty matters then unfortunately we won’t accomplish very much with our lives. If we spend all of our time on petty issues how can we devote ourselves to worthy matters? How can we live the lives that God has called us to live if we fuss and fight over insignificant issues? Don’t be petty. Overlooking petty issues requires maturity, patience, and spiritual…