Yesterday I finished a 15 page, 10 question exam. Today, I printed a 12 page study guide for a final exam that will cover everything we’ve covered this semester. As I’m completing another semester of grad school, I’ll share my perspective on graduate college vs. regular college: There’s a more complex admittance process. It’s not difficult, there’s just more to do. You have to apply, submit all transcripts, submit references, and take the GRE. The GRE is somewhat challenging (at least the math part for me), but it won’t dictate your acceptance. Some schools value it more than others. Prepare as much as you can and just do your best. The…
LIFE: Know Right & Do Right
Most of the time we know what’s right, but it can be much harder to do what’s right. If we want to enjoy the blessed life, we must know right & do right. Sometimes, knowing is the easy part. Implementing what we know, however, can be more challenging. Or, is it possible that we make it more difficult than it really is? Doing the right thing can certainly be more difficult than doing what’s natural or what we would prefer, but in addition to that we also have a tendency to make things more difficult than they really are. We have to get to a point of realizing that our…
GRAD SCHOOL UPDATE: Education Isn’t Everything
Ok, I must admit, right now I’m a bit frustrated and disappointed.I haven’t already shared this, but now is the perfect opportunity: I’m working on my master’s degree. But you know what I just learned? Education isn’t everything. I just left a class discussion where the majority of the women basically supported gold-digging, receiving money for ‘companionship‘, or as my professor so accurately labeled it: prostitution. We were discussing how there are now tons of organizations recruiting young, beautiful woman to pair them with rich old guys. Now, hear me: I’m not judging. We’re all imperfect, we’ve all done wrong, and we’ll all made mistakes. Why am I upset? The…
LIFE: It takes time
Everything takes time. Some things can only be revealed to us with time. Some things can only be learned with time. No matter what you’re facing, realize it takes time. Often times we overlook the importance of time. We try to rush things, or we get overly excited too soon. Give it time. We must allow our relationships to properly develop with time. Don’t expect too much too soon. Don’t think you know it all already. No, give it time. What about your goals? What do you want to accomplish? Sit down, map it out, and give it time. When it comes to progressing in life, realize it takes time.…
COLLEGE UPDATE: Today I Received My Bachelor’s Degree
Today I received my bachelor’s degree in communications with honors- cum laude. Yesterday I was honored as the outstanding graduate from the communications department. Last Friday I married my best friend. And last month I birthed my second daughter. I say all that not too brag on myself, but to brag on my God. He is so good to me and anything is possible with Him. I mean anything. Sometimes we go through seasons when it seems that nothing goes right, but we have to keep going. I’ve admitted that to all of my readers. I’ve never claimed to have a perfect life, but I must stay honest and admit…
KEY TO SUCCEED: Progress Hurts Sometimes
We all want to shine, but we’d prefer to do so without the rain. If we’re going to live the life that Christ died for us to live, we must realize that: Progress hurts sometimes. As the saying goes: Anything worth having won’t come easy. What is it that you want? As you answer this question, take the time to ponder what it will cost you. Progress requires sacrifice. We want our lives to be better, but we aren’t willing to change ourselves first. There is a tendency to look around the problem instead of facing the problem head on. Most of our issues in life can be traced…
GOAL-SETTING: 5 Ways To Achieve Your Goals
Goal-setting is an important aspect of progressing in life. When you have goals you have a clear picture of what you’re working toward. Goal-setting allows you to specifically determine what you want to achieve. Once you determine your goals, you have to stay committed to complete them. 5 Ways To Achieve Your Goals: 1. Keep Christ first. It is imperative to not allow your goals to become your main thing. Christ must always be your #1 and as you keep Him #1, He has a way of blessing everything else. Set and complete your goals, but keep Christ #1. “This book of the law shall not depart out of…
This is a question I believe we should all ask ourselves. Ask yourself: What do I want to be known for? The answer to this question will reveal where we currently are in life, and it will assist us in making the necessary changes to get where we want to be in life. I just asked myself this question and immediately 2 things came to mind: 1- Faith. I want to be known for my great faith. Great faith in God because I have grown to understand that he is the key to everything I need and everything I want to be. Faith in people, because I believe that we can…
Feeling Stressed? Take A Break From The Day: 10 Tips!
Sometimes it’s necessary to take a break from the day. Some days are easy and smooth, yet others require so much more from us. So much goes on within a day- various decisions, roles, and daily responsibilities can take us on an emotional rollercoaster. Our days can get demanding with so much to get done. Some days make us cry, some days make us scream, and some days make us want to quit. We can’t give in though, we must press on. How do we do this? Take a break! Here are 10 Tips: 1. Stop and enjoy ice cream. No rush. Take a break. Enjoy. 2. Pray. Talk with…
2 Things College Does To Us: Speaking & Thinking
Aug. 12th was my first day at Rogers State University in Claremore, OK and since then I’ve already: completed 2 group projects where we’ve presented information to the class; presented 1 persuasive speech where I’ve proposed that the legal drinking age be raised to 25; participated in class discussions around the stereotypes that north Tulsa carries; wrote a 4 page paper on a communication theory that states that minority opinions are not as openly and confidently shared as the majority opinions are; and I’ve conducted research on prostitution to gather evidence that both supports and rejects prostitution! Pretty intense for only 1 month and 7 days! Today while in class,…