5 WAYS TO LEARN FROM LIFE by Margo Woodward

5 Ways to Learn From Life

As we live life, we are constantly learning.  Often, we become frustrated when we fail to see the lesson at hand.  Read on for 5 ways to learn from life!

Often, our mindset causes us problems.  We tend to think we should know everything, but the truth is that we should constantly be learning.  If we go through life without learning, it may be because we’re not open to it.  Sometimes we unintentionally prevent ourselves from learning & growing.

We think that our success in life depends on knowing, but rather it depends more on growing.  No one knows everything.  Regardless of what it looks like, no one has it all together.  We’re all learning something.  The key is in realizing that honesty & humility is the starting point for learning and progress.

Let’s not go through life facing the same situations over and over without learning from them.

5 Ways to Learn From Life:

1. Seek peace.  You may have to fight for it but it is so worth it.  Get quiet.  Turn off the noise: television, music, social media, phones, etc.  All those things tend to prevent us from experiencing peace, which enables & equips us to handle our real issues.  Don’t allow those things that really don’t matter prevent you from dealing with the issues that really do matter.  Prioritize peace and order in your life.  You’ll be surprised at how much a difference this makes.

2. Take time to reflect.  Look within.  Spend more time looking in than out.  Don’t compare yourself to anyone, just be your best you.  Look within and deal with yourself.  Ask yourself why you do the things you do.  What are the negative things you harbor in your heart?  What about your thoughts?  Reflect and spend some time with yourself.  This will allow you to get to the root of your issues.

3. Embrace humility.  Humble yourself and deal with your issues.  Don’t be afraid or ashamed to admit your shortcomings.  You don’t have to announce them to the world, but humble yourself so that you can face what you see.  Confess your sins to God.  He is faithful and just to forgive you (I John 1:9).  It’s not about what you find but rather what you do with it.  We all have issues that we need God to walk us through.  It’s not God’s will for you to walk in shame and defeat, but rather He came so that you may live free (John 10:10).  Once you allow Him to walk you through your issues, you will be more encouraged to walk humbly as you know you only made it through because of Him.

4.  Right relationships. In order to grow & learn from life, you need to have the right people around you.  Take heed to godly advice and spend time with wise people. We become like those we spend most of our time with.  Don’t just be around people because they seem cool or even nice.  Looks can be deceiving and in this world things are not always what they appear.  Use wisdom when selecting friendships and don’t be easily fooled by a person’s outer countenance.  We, as humans, are moved by outward appearances but God sees the heart.  Rely on God to lead you when choosing relationships.  Spending time with the right people will help you to learn from life.

“Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.”

–  I Corinthians 15:33

5. Trust.  Trust the process; trust God; trust the lessons that you are learning.  Don’t find reasons to excuse them.  Trust and accept the lessons that you learn from life, and know that everything will work out.  Focus on learning from your experiences, remembering the lessons, so that you don’t have to repeat them.  

Everyday presents us with opportunities to learn from life.  We must rely on God to open our spiritual eyes so that we can see the lessons that He is focused on teaching us.

With love,

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