As followers of Christ, our main objective in life is to walk more like Christ. One way that we walk like Christ is to walk in self-control. It’s not always easy, but it is definitely worth it and comes with many benefits.
5 Benefits of Walking in Self-Control
1. You are more like Christ.
When you resist the temptation to fight back and maintain your self-control, you are representing Christ. He did not fight back. He was tempted in every way, like us, yet He did not sin (Hebrews 4:15). We know we aren’t perfect like Christ, but the more that we maintain self-control, the more we grow in His likeness. Plus, what a testimony to others. Though people may not always explicitly speak on it, they are amazed when we remain calm in the midst of pressures and temptations to lash out.
2. You are more productive.
Another reason to walk in self control is that you are more productive when you’re self-controlled. Annoyances, irritations, and frustrations all work up anger within us that motivates us to react. Anger will distract you from your more important work. When I’m angry and lose composure, it’s impossible for me to do my work with love and grace. James 1:20 tells us: “For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.”
3. You mature.
The only way to mature in self-control, or any other fruit of the Spirit, is to pass the tests that come your way. Every time you resist anger and remain calm, you are maturing in self-control. Whenever you relinquish control, pray, and keep your composure, you are maturing in self-control. Look at the opportunities that aim to steal your calm as simply an opportunity to grow in the fruits of the Spirit.
4. You are joyful!
How do you feel when you lose self-control? Not joyful! A major benefit of walking in self-control is that you maintain your joy. Each day we are presented with opportunities to give in to anger, fear, or other unproductive emotions. A motivator of walking in self-control is that we maintain our joy. Being free in Christ allows us to make the choice. We can make the choice to let go, give it to God, walk in self control, and maintain our joy!
5. You glorify God.
When you walk in self-control, you glorify God. We do not possess self-control on our own, we only display it when we are walking in the Spirit of God. We glorify God when we walk in self-control and handle things God’s way vs. our own way. When we think of all that God has done for us, including sending His only begotten Son to pay the penalty for our sins, we ought to desire to do what pleases Him. Walking in self-control pleases Him.
I pray that you are now more motivated to walk in self-control. It is certainly not easy, but we will personally benefit in many ways as we do it. Don’t allow people or situations to control you or your emotions. By walking in the Spirit, you have the ability to walk in self-control, no matter what comes your way.
With sincerity & love,

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