• Suffering? COUNT IT ALL JOY by Margo Woodward

    SUFFERING? Count It All Joy.

    Do you rejoice in suffering?  I can be honest and admit that I don’t (well I didn’t), but I’m now learning to count it all joy. All my life I’ve endured suffering, not always understanding it and certainly not rejoicing in it.  The Lord gave me the strength to stick it out and not run, but trust me I did a lot of crying out to Him.  After all, who wants to suffer? I have to share this with you: The Lord is growing me in understanding suffering.  He’s changing my attitude toward it. “Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness…

  • STAND UP & TAKE CONTROL by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    Stand Up & Take Control

    There are so many things in life that will push us around if we don’t stand up & take control.  Our flesh will push us to do what we want to do, fulfilling our own selfish desires, doing what is contrary to the will of God.  Other people will push us around, pushing us to please them and keep them happy- allowing them to have a level of control over us.  The cares of this world try to push us around, pushing us to constantly gain this, achieve that- controlling our emotions, energy, and our time.   There comes a time when we have to stand up & take control.…

  • How's Your Year Going So Far? 3 TIPS TO KEEP MOVING FORWARD by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    How’s Your Year Going So Far? 3 Tips to Keep Moving Forward.

    We’ve entered a new year and time is quickly passing us by.  How’s your year going so far?  Do you still have the excitement that you had on January 1st?  Are you still focused? Surely, we’ve all had things thrown our way that we hadn’t expected- some good, some bad.  The daily distractions and responsibilities of life seem to overwhelm us and take all the energy that we have. How do we handle daily life, yet still stay focused on our goals and dreams? Here are 3 Tips to Keep Moving Forward: 1. Create a theme for the year.   Pray and think about what you really need to focus on.…

  • JESUS IS COMPASSIONATE. Are you? by Margo Woodward
    Life,  Women

    Jesus Is Compassionate.  Are You?

    As the Lord is growing me in grace, He is showing me how grace and compassion are intertwined.  Jesus is compassionate.  Are you?  Christ has been so gracious toward us, but we are often so hard on others.  We must extend compassion to others, just as Jesus has extended compassion to us. We are only able to extend grace to others when we are compassionate toward them and their situation.  So often, instead of being compassionate, we criticize.  We have gotten so hard that instead of empathizing, we simply judge.  We talk about why people got themselves into situations instead of praying for them, helping when we can. Jesus is…

  • Resurrection Sunday 2018: There comes a time by Margo Woodward

    RESURRECTION SUNDAY 2018: There Comes a Time

    There comes a time in our lives when everyone must flee.There are some things that we have to do that only involve us and God- No one else.  There comes a time. Yesterday, Resurrection Sunday, our Pastor taught from Matthew 26:51-56.  This passage focuses on the betrayal and arrest of Jesus Christ.  It is the scene when Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.  The scene when they laid hands on Jesus and took Him.  The scene when Peter, disobediently, cut off the ear of one of them that were arresting Jesus.  And in the same scene, after all was said and done: all the disciples forsook him, and fled.  “Then all…