
15 Things to do in the Last 15 Days of 2018

We’re down to the last 15 days of 2018.  Have you started looking ahead to the future?

Have you started looking within and around to determine what you need to deal with?  What do you need to let go of?

Here are 15 things to do in the last 15 days of 2018:

1. Clean your closets.  Get rid of what you don’t wear or what no longer represents you.  My motto at the end of each year is: Out with the old, in with the new!

2. Clean your car.  Take care of what you have.  We must be good stewards over what we currently have- especially if we desire more.

3. Clean your house.  Now is a good time to deep clean so when 2019 arrives your house will be so fresh and so clean, clean.

4. Clean your contacts.  Whose name is in your contacts that you no longer communicate with?  Who do you no longer wish to communicate with?  You are free to make those choices.

5. Clear your phone.  Review apps, messages, and photos.  Clear your phone so you will have the space for your 2019 life.

6. Clean up your money.  Assess your money situation.  What needs to change?  What do you need to pay off?  See what you’re at and establish a plan to clean up your money.

7. Clean your heart.  What’s in your heart?  Unforgiveness?  Anger?  You are only as happy as the state of your heart.  No matter your money or social status, an unclean heart = an unhappy person.

8. Clean your body.  How are you eating?  Staying active?  You can only accomplish what your health will allow.  Take action to clean your body.  This doesn’t have to be drastic.  Simply eating more fruits and drinking more water can go a long way.

9. Clear your mind.  Journal, journal, journal.  Write, draw, sketch.  Get a pen and pad and let er’ rip.

10. Clear your conscience.  Need to apologize to someone?  Do it.  Need to confess your wrong?  Do it.  Clear your conscience & do better.  

11. Clean your hair.  Time for a new style?  Need a deep condition?  Trim?  Focus on taking care of your hair so you can step into the new year with fresh hair.

12. Clean your nails.  This may seem simplistic, but sometimes the little things are big things.  A nice trim, file and clear coat has such a clean look!  This is probably how I will be bringing in the new year!

13. Clear your vision.  How do you see yourself?  Your future?  Gain clarity around the vision for your life.

14. Create your goals.  What do you want to accomplish in 2019?  How will you do it?  I don’t suggest gigantic, out-of-reach goals but rather goals that outline your steps to get you from point A to point B.

15. Create some space.  Give yourself some quiet time and some space away from the crowd so you can gain perspective.  Spend some time with you

In the midst of all of our goals, keep in mind that we must keep Him #1.  As we do, we’ll be amazed at how everything else falls right into place.

I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”

– John 15:5

With love,

Read Life Update: 5 Quick Thoughts

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