No matter what season we find ourselves in, we can always benefit from tips on living well.
10 Tips for Living Well:
1. We live and we learn. We’ve worn this phrase out but it is oh so true. Don’t beat yourself up over past failures. You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it and do better next time.
2. Adjustments are necessary. It is so necessary to stop and readjust in life. Has your life changed? Expect to readjust. Feeling off and can’t really explain it? It may be time for an adjustment.
3. Listening is critical. I mean really listening. Don’t just listen enough to formulate a response. Listen to learn.
4. Slow down. Life has a way of trying to rush and push us around, but we must be intentional to slow down. Slow down to enjoy your life, your mate, your kids. Enjoy the little moments. Slow down and talk to strangers. Slow down and enjoy your present experiences.
5. Life is humbling. Life has a way of humbling us. Even when you are excelling in one area of your life, it’s likely that you will be simultaneously struggling in another. Don’t get too proud of yourself. Instead, stay grateful and know that sometimes without warning life has a way of humbling us.
6. Crying is good. Who says strong people don’t cry? Sometimes a good cry is all we need. Think about the relief you often feel after a good cry.
7. Be comfortable. This starts within. First, be comfortable with yourself and what you have to offer to those around you. The more comfortable you are the more you will shine. Spend less time with people and in settings that make you feel uncomfortable.
8. Don’t fight. Sometimes we get so accustomed to fighting that we’re poor lovers. Let your guard down and instead of fighting focus on loving. With loving comes compassion and understanding. What’s more beautiful than that?
9. Feelings are temporary. Don’t give so much weight to feelings- they are fickle & constantly changing. Instead of focusing so much on your feelings, focus more on the root cause of your feelings.
10. Work is not everything. What you do and how much you make is only apart of you and the life you live. Don’t overemphasize it. There are so many more important things in life than our work. Don’t wait to late to figure this out.
We are all on a journey to living well. I hope these 10 tips have inspired you! Which one spoke to you the most?
With love,

Read How To Focus On What Truly Matters: 5 TIPS