WOMEN: what kind of woman are you? www.margowoodward.com

Focused or Distracted: What kind of woman are you?

Most of us women have faced the same types of struggles.  Insecurity, depression, loneliness, heartbreak, and confusion, are among the common issues.  Although we have many differences, there are also many things that weave us all together.

Over the past few days I’ve had some inspiring conversations that have moved me to break women up into 2 simple categories.  

What kind of woman are you?

1- The focused woman.   This woman is not sucked up into all the drama.  She’s not perfect, nor does she have a perfect life, but she focuses her energy on what will bring her back better results. She’s progressive, determined, and will not be overtaken or disracted by life’s difficulties.

2- The distracted woman. This woman is not as focused. She’s more apt to spend time on things that bring back no fruit.  She gets caught up in drama around her and even uses her energy on negative, unproductive situations.  She has all of the potential as the focused woman, but she’s distracted.

I believe it’s very easy to get caught up in a web of negative, draining situations.  Bad relationships, bad decisions, and just plain bad judgment have caused us all some unwanted consequences. 

All women have been in tough situations, but what makes the difference is how we respond.  We have to stop looking at the next woman thinking “She thinks she’s all that” or “Her life is perfect”.  Instead, we should take a closer look at how she handles her life.  Ask her how she’s made it this far in life.  Figure out how she handles adversity.

We all have tough stuff to overcome, we just have to respond the right way.  Decide today that you will be a focused woman that avoids drama, moves forward, and uses her energy the right way.  Spend time on things that matter and forget everything else that doesn’t.

As Sojourner Truth was described, we should all aspire to be women of: strength, integrity, poise, & wit.

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