This is a question I believe we should all ask ourselves. Ask yourself: What do I want to be known for?
The answer to this question will reveal where we currently are in life, and it will assist us in making the necessary changes to get where we want to be in life.
I just asked myself this question and immediately 2 things came to mind:
1- Faith. I want to be known for my great faith. Great faith in God because I have grown to understand that he is the key to everything I need and everything I want to be. Faith in people, because I believe that we can all go a little further than we sometimes think.
2- Love. I just want to love! I want to love God, love others, love my children, love my husband! I want to love my work. I want to be oozing with love! 🙂 I want to be known by my love.
I’m encouraging you to ask yourself this question. Be honest with yourself and compare what you may be currently known for to what you’d like to be known for. It’s very possible that they may be very different! Know that all changes are possible. There is nothing, absolutely nothing impossible with God (Matthew 19:26).
Sometimes people like to tie us to those negative things that we may have engaged in or done, but always know that we NEVER have to be tied to anything negative. We all have the potential to move past any negative situation.
I believe we all have it in us to be known for great things. Just like MJ is to basketball and Billy Graham is to Christianity, we all have the potential to be known for something incredible. Maybe it’s cooking like Paula Dean or even just speaking like Oprah.
Think about it. The possibilities are endless. What do you want to be known for?

Read We Are Producers!