You know something that would ease your anxiety and stress levels? Learning how to trust. So often, we go through life frazzled and over-analyzing because we have failed to learn how to trust. Walking in trust eases anxiety.
The key is not in trust itself, as Merriam-Webster defines trust as the assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. The key is in the recipient of the trust.
Where have you placed your trust?
Quite honestly, our level of stress in life is a direct indicator of our ability to trust. If we are going to live peaceful, stable lives then we must learn the importance of trust. Additionally, we must learn where to place our trust.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”
– Proverbs 3:5
We must also learn where not to place our trust.
“It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.”
– Psalm 118:8
This scripture is not encouraging us to walk around doubtful and dismissive of every one we encounter, but rather it is encouraging us to place our ultimate trust in the Lord. Often, it can be easier to place trust in man because we can see man in the natural realm. This, however, is a mistake.
Though God blesses us with relationships, even marriages, our ultimate trust must always be in the Lord.
Daily, we’re faced with situations that leave us with a decision. Attempt to control the situation, or trust God with the situation. Sometimes we can make a decision that can influence the outcome. Other times, we find ourselves in positions of having absolutely no control. The key in trusting God is not being overly focused on the outcome.
We must learn to do what we can do, and leave the rest in God’s hands- knowing that He knows best. As we do this, we’re then free to move forward walking in trust without the heaviness, anxiety, or stress.
Regardless of the situations we face, we must learn to trust God.
God does not desire us to come to Him solely when life is unbearable or we’ve reached a breaking point. Most of the time, we can prevent our breakdowns if we would simply walk in trust on a daily basis.
We must learn to trust God with the seemingly small things, the in-between, and the life-changing. Recently, I’ve been amazed by His ever-present help and intervention with my small problems. Those are encouraging victories because it’s a reminder that the God who created heaven and earth is still attentive to even my small needs.
There is no need you have that’s too small for God. He cares about every aspect of your life.
I encourage you to take some time today and examine the stress in your life. Are you worrying because you aren’t trusting? Are you stressing because you aren’t praying?
He longs for you to come to Him and cast all your cares upon Him (I Peter 5:7). He cares for you more deeply than you know.
With love,

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