I know the hustle-hustle, laser-focused mentality is running rampant nowadays; but I’m a proponent of having balanced days. Balanced days where the various aspects of our life are tended to, as opposed to neglecting some while laser-focusing on one or others. I do understand that there will be times when we are pressed to work or meet a deadline. I’m not referring to those situations, I’m encouraging us to focus on living balanced days as the norm.
The blessing of balanced days is that we’re able to work on and enjoy the various aspects of our life.
Not only will we reap the benefits of focusing on the various aspects of our life, we will also find our days much more enjoyable. Variety is good, and a well-lived life has various components, such as:
- Healthy relationships with others
- Serving where there are unmet needs
- Taking care of self, including: spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally
- Enjoying family
- Receiving inspiration, such as: books, nature, mentorship
- Planning, organizing, preparing
- Working
In our society, work tends to get the majority of our time. We must grow in understanding the blessing of living balanced days.
A few years ago the Lord really grew me in understanding myself, as well as how to take care of myself. That was during the season of realizing that I am an introvert. Yes, I literally just realized that I was an introvert a few years ago! It was during that time that I began to consider:
“What makes me have a great day?”
The answer included variety and balance. I listed:
- I rise early.
- I spend time with the Lord early and get my heart and mind right.
- I work out.
- I get dressed early.
- I have plans for the day.
- I am humble, self-aware, self-controlled, and Spirit-led.
- I spend some quiet time alone.
- I’m present and enjoying each moment.
I encourage you to do the same. Take the time to assess your responsibilities. Factor in your time obligations. Determine if you are tending to your priorities, which leads to balance. Consider what makes you have a great day.
Yes, we all have goals and dreams, and progress will require work. You do not, however, want to neglect various areas of your life, in your pursuit of one. It’s not worth it. Consider how much sweeter your success will be when you continued to prioritize your loved ones, your health, and above all the Lord, even while on your pursuit.
Now, that is good success [Joshua 1:8]. Don’t live with a laser-focus, looking right past the blessings that are all around you. A well-lived life is one where there is balance. Life is not one-dimensional, therefore, our days cannot be one-dimensional. It will require discipline, priorities, and love in order to live your life in such a way that you are tending to all of your responsibilities- not just your chosen ones.
With love,