You know something I’ve learned about myself? I need time to regroup. I don’t do well with constant activity, I don’t prefer large group settings, and I’m not good at small talk. How about you? Do you know yourself and what you need to be at your best?
Do you take time to regroup?
The coronavirus has slowed the world down. Many of us have more time on our hands, but it’s important to make sure that we’re using our time wisely. Take the time to get to know yourself better and understand your own soul. Often times, we’re stressed because we’re really not in tune with ourselves. It’s easy to be more in tune with the world than yourself.
Take the time to regroup.
We have a tendency to rush. We’re rushed by time, by deadlines, and by people. We’re rushed so much that we learn to rush ourselves. A slower pace of life is good. As we slow down, we move more intentionally and we’re in a position to really take in life’s moments.
I encourage you not to view today’s circumstances through only a negative lens. Focus in on the benefits, the advantages. For all of us, despite our varying situations, we’ve definitely been blessed with time to regroup.
5 Ways to Regroup & Refocus
1. Slow down. Don’t throw in the towel and do nothing, but slow down. Think through what you have to do and slow your pace.
2. Focus on the Moment. It’s easy to focus so much on the big picture and long-term goals, that you miss the current moment. Life is happening right now. Look around you. That is your life. Focus on moments, don’t take them for granted.
3. Get quiet. Turn off the tv, the music, the phone, and just get quiet. For me, clarity often stems from quietness.
4. Journal. How do you feel? Write about it. What are you praying for? Write it down. What’s bothering you? Get it off your chest and get on paper.
5. Get outside. We may not be able to go to the store or even the park, but you can still get outside. Go for walk, stand on your porch, get out and take in nature. You’ll be surprised at how it speaks.
Even though life has changed, we must remember that Christ will never change:
“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”
– Hebrews 13:8
Trust in Him. Depend on Him. Regardless of what’s going on around us, we can experience perfect peace if we keep our minds stayed on Him (Isaiah 26:3).
Blessings to you,

Read Take Control of Your Thoughts in the Morning: 5 Tips