Coming off the Thanksgiving holiday, I can truly say that I was blessed with balance. The normal pace of life tends to be rushed. I constantly feel like I’m on the clock, working to stay on top of things. This break allowed me to not be so tied to the clock, providing me the space to do what mattered to me. We tend to burn out and push ourselves to exhaustion, which is not healthy. I encourage you to begin to seek balance in your day-to-day life.
Though our days seem to be maxed out, there are countless ways to change it up. For me, I’m becoming very aware that I can do much better with time management. Personally, I’m fed up and over the rushing, pushing myself to the max, constantly running late. This leads to stress.
Poor daily habits can lead to overwhelm and stress. This makes us feel like it’s ‘life’ and there’s no other way. We all have things we have to tend to in a day, but there are various ways that we can go about getting it all done. Regardless of the season we find ourselves in, balance can make things better.
We must seek balance.
As we do, and get a taste of what balance offers us, we’ll be committed to incorporating balance into all of our days. Prioritizing the Lord will allow us to see what adjustments we can make in our day-to-day schedules, that will make life more manageable.
For instance, how balanced are your days as it relates to:
- prayer time
- marriage
- parenting
- eating healthy foods
- working out
- quiet time
- reading
- cleaning
- enjoying
- relaxing
- working
Most would agree that work takes a bulk of time. Though work is important, we must be intentional to keep it in its proper place. If we’re not intentional, various areas will attempt to dominate our lives, leaving us living out of order. For some, work may be a major one. For others, working out may be a passion that needs proper parameters.
A well-lived life is a balanced life.
We all have unique temperaments and tendencies, the key is to seek balance and not allow certain areas cause us to neglect other areas. Consider one who may achieve all the accolades possible in their respective field, but along their way to achievement they neglected their family. Will it have been worth it? Priorities are key.
Tending to one’s priorities is called balance.
Lastly, as followers of Christ, let’s not conform to the hustle hard mentality of the world. Instead, let’s focus on following Christ [who never rushed], and allow Him to lead us to all that He has for us. Our Christian values will enable to us to prioritize and make choices along the way that will bless us, and our families, with balance.