Don't sweat the small stuff Margo Woodward

Don’t sweat the small stuff

How many times in a day does something frustrate you?  If your days are like mine then they are filled with many surprising, unexpected events that try to throw you off.  If you are going to do all that Christ created you to do, here is something that you must remember:

Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Think about all that comes your way in a day: That conversation, that disobedient child, the traffic, school work, a rude boss, an unexpected bill, car problems, and the list goes on.  There’s always something trying to distract us, but we have to learn to not sweat the small stuff.

How do we not sweat the small stuff?

We have to think about the importance of things.  Most things that try to gain your attention undeservingly are not even all that important.  Consider how they align with your priorities.  

If you haven’t determined your priorities, this is key!  You must sit and determine what’s most important to you right now.  Life changes and seasons change so your priorities may also shift from time to time.  It’s wise to review your priorities at least once or twice a year.

Boundaries are also critical.  Don’t let things, people, or situations force their way into your space.  Once you set your priorities, you must put everything in it’s proper place & then keep it there.  Things naturally shift, so you must be intentional to keep your life orderly and prioritized.

In order to move forward in life, we have to learn that everything doesn’t require our energy and attention.  Honestly, we don’t have enough energy to mentally deal with everything that ‘appears‘ as though it’s ours to handle.

The next time you feel yourself about to go there, stop and ask yourself:

Does it really matter?

If it doesn’t then don’t sweat it, it’s small stuff.

Don’t sweat the small stuff.

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